water only...


Well-Known Member
How large of a pot might be adequate to go water only until harvest? Might 20 gallons of properly ammended soil be enough to go 1 month veg and 2ish months flower? Maybe only 1 topdress before flower?
Any thoughts?
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Might work, cultivar-depending.

I did a 17-gallon. Top-dressed once a few weeks into flower, but probably didn't need to (I hate running dry right at the end).

My soil is somewhat unique, so I'm not sure how helpful this is.

I'd say it's worth a shot.
With a plant that is only flowering for 2ish months, even 10 gallon would be adequate.
Where you find that plant would be the hard part.
well, maybe a little top dress at some point after veg to push it to 10 weeks of flower then?
I purchased soil from Black Swallow Living Soil in Brantford, Ontario https://blackswallowsoil.com/product/kis-mix-blended-soil-651
and figure with large enough pots I should be able to go the distance with this soil mix.
I'm only wondering what other people are up to.
well, maybe a little top dress at some point after veg to push it to 10 weeks of flower then?
I purchased soil from Black Swallow Living Soil in Brantford, Ontario https://blackswallowsoil.com/product/kis-mix-blended-soil-651
and figure with large enough pots I should be able to go the distance with this soil mix.
I'm only wondering what other people are up to.
I usually repot to the final pot a week or two before the flip. Need minimal additions most of the time to get to the finish line.
i was thinking of transplanting into final pot about 2 weeks from sprout, so...

I usually wait till the plant shows its sex.. In my dirt garden, that is 8 weeks or so.
After they are sexed, i put in final containers and go 12/12
I usually wait till the plant shows its sex.. In my dirt garden, that is 8 weeks or so.
After they are sexed, i put in final containers and go 12/12
2 month veg is too long for me. I'd like to go straight from my seedling pots into my SIPs
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How large of a pot might be adequate to go water only until harvest? Might 20 gallons of properly ammended soil be enough to go 1 month veg and 2ish months flower? Maybe only 1 topdress before flower?
Any thoughts?
I used 22 gallon for water only and they get yellow during flowering pretty bad. I used a 4ft x 4ft wood box with one plant in it and it was fine all the way to harvest. See here: Outdoor 2022
I run twenty gallon pots. I top dress once at the beginning of flower and once through out flower. I also veg for 60 days so that I utilize more of the soil in the pot. If you amend twenty gallons right and time your flip to flower right you could do it without top dressing but I bet towards the end you’ll start to see deficiencies.
I run twenty gallon pots. I top dress once at the beginning of flower and once through out flower. I also veg for 60 days so that I utilize more of the soil in the pot. If you amend twenty gallons right and time your flip to flower right you could do it without top dressing but I bet towards the end you’ll start to see deficiencies.
At what point do you transplant into the 20 gals? How much of your 60 day veg are you in the 20 gals?
Did you get the kiss blend? Either way it won't last through flower. You'll have to amend some nutrition. Ontario boy here, buy from back swallow often.
20 gal min.
Beds work better.
Lotta people think 'living soil' is so easy etc. It's not. You need an understanding of growing and also of the soil food web. It can get fairly complex.
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Tad Hussey (kis organics) has some great podcasts on his medium and how to use it. He even has one with Rob Knechtel from black swallow all about what you're asking. Straight from the horses mouth. I'd suggest giving them a listen to. Lots of really great information from reputable names in the industry.
Did you get the kiss blend? Either way it won't last through flower. You'll have to amend some nutrition. Ontario boy here, buy from back swallow often.
20 gal min.
Beds work better.
Lotta people think 'living soil' is so easy etc. It's not. You need an understanding of growing and also of the soil food web. It can get fairly complex.
yes, the KIS blend is what I purchased....
I've actually listened to the Rob Knechtel episode... I'll give it another listen. Thanks for the reminder.
I usually wait till the plant shows its sex.. In my dirt garden, that is 8 weeks or so.

What are you growing because I've never seen a plant take longer than 5 1/2 weeks to sex. My plants would be 12ft tall if I vegged that long.

I think these broganic guys with web stores are seriously fucking people over. Definitely are if it takes 8 weeks to show. I bet you're not even getting the quantity of imbalanced bullshit you pay for. Dare someone to measure their next internet purchase out.

15 gallons always got me 4oz 12/12 from transplant out of #1s. Water only except for Potassium and what ever trace minerals were lacking. My basic ass soil recipe must be worth gold.. "Top dressing" is for marks.
What are you growing because I've never seen a plant take longer than 5 1/2 weeks to sex. My plants would be 12ft tall if I vegged that long.

I think these broganic guys with web stores are seriously fucking people over. Definitely are if it takes 8 weeks to show. I bet you're not even getting the quantity of imbalanced bullshit you pay for. Dare someone to measure their next internet purchase out.

15 gallons always got me 4oz 12/12 from transplant out of #1s. Water only except for Potassium and what ever trace minerals were lacking. My basic ass soil recipe must be worth gold.. "Top dressing" is for marks.
so, you believe 15 gallons can make it through to flower if transplanted then flipped to flower.
how long they spend in those #1 pots?