Water issue - advice needed please Gurus


Active Member
Right First of all my water is useless, whenever i use it, I just get issue after issue after issue, my water is 0.16ec from tap ph 7-7.3, by process of elimination we discovered my water just cannot keep plants growing, unsure what's in it and I don't want to raise flags by ringing water company as where I live is classed as a crime hotspot, I don't want to spend out on RO because I plan on moving within the next 3 months at most and am taking a break after this until i do due to high police presence here, at the moment, a friend is giving me water from a few miles away which is great but, it's going to start looking suspicious so my question is. Will mineral water be ok for the last 5 1/2 weeks of flowering? (obviously with nutes when required)

This is what I plan on using, is this ok? (9 GH Trainwreck growing in hempy under 1000w HPS)

Typical valuesPer litre
Nitrate (NO3)10mg
Dry Residue at 180°C80mg
pH (at source)6.4

Thank you in advance guy + rep for all informational replies


Well-Known Member
Mineral water will be fine yes. No worries on any of those minerals being a problem!

Is the problem just that you have hard water? Do you get limescale on your taps and in your kettle? If so then you can fix that yourself, probably cheaper than using mineral water too!

You can remove hardness from the water by filtering it..either buy something like a brita filter (actually pretty expensive) or just try rigging one up yourself using activated charcoal (search on google for some examples)..

It's unlikely that there is anything in the water that will harm plants apart from excess calcium and magnesium (which are the elements responsible for making water "hard") .... Otherwise it would also be harmful to the people drinking it.

By the way, hard water tends to always be too alkaline for cannabis...i.e. 7pH or higher...the mineral water's pH is pretty ideal. Just remember that adding nutes often makes the pH go down, so you want to watch it doesn't go too low...


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I suppose I should add that carbon works much better at removing chlorine than it does reducing flouride or the water-hardness...so if your water is super-hard then that could potentially still be a problem. Hopefully your water company aren't putting too much flouride in there! Rain water might be another source to think about if that's the case.


Well-Known Member
You could buy one of those big water cooler bottles if you can. They do sell them individually for homes, and just use a small pump or siphon to get the water out.


Well-Known Member
water alone will not sustain a plant. You water looks fine, I dont think thats the problem.

How will the mineral water be different from your tap water?


Active Member
To be honest guys, I really have no idea what is in my water that makes it useless, I live on a mountain in Wales, but it appears to be chav central. (It's housing estates built into a mountain) The views are great but the water is shit, even tastes strange. It's classified as soft water, but i used soft water specific nutes but got more issues than i could handle, switched to a friends water (A Fellow more experienced grower who used to live in this area, he also had nothing but issues) and boom they look fantastic, and he lives 4 miles from me, I know bottled water isn't a long term fix but as i said, i'm moving soon, had CID knocking my door this morning because of a "Disturbance" Next door, this happens regularly, but I have only lived here a year. So didn't realise what an idiot next door was considering he's a dealer...........So it's all coming down in 6 weeks, So just needed to know if anything in that water would harm them as i don't really understand it, learning as i go. I appreciate all the replies guys and am repping, I've just given them a feed with that water, so I'll see what happens. but as it stands they look fantastic.


Active Member
Just remember that adding nutes often makes the pH go down, so you want to watch it doesn't go too low...
I honestly didn't realise that, i thought as it sat in pots, ph went up. I'll definitely remember that and start checking run off

I misread it lol when i mixed nutes in it dropped to 5.9


Active Member
Get a "PUR or BRITA faucet filter-- cheap and effective... try to use the "Mineral" filter if you can find them.. huge difference.