Water has no cleaning affect


Well-Known Member
Just FYI to all you bong smokers out there. Water has absolutly zero carconigen removing affects. All it does is make the smoke drop in temperature and therefor seem less harsh. In fact, its been proven that the ratio of thc in the smoke will be reduced, making the smoke less potent and more dangerous for your health. Just thought you guys might want to know that. PM me for sources.


Well-Known Member
it seems the water cools the smoke, which cause the nasties to cool and join causing them to be heavier than air. by let the smoke swirl in the bong these heavy particles gather to the inner surfaces of the bong. some thc is lost i'm sure. that why scraping get you high. but i feel the benefits out weigh the costs.

this is my opinion, that's all. not to be confused with any factual information.


Active Member
Just FYI to all you bong smokers out there. Water has absolutly zero carconigen removing affects. All it does is make the smoke drop in temperature and therefor seem less harsh. In fact, its been proven that the ratio of thc in the smoke will be reduced, making the smoke less potent and more dangerous for your health. Just thought you guys might want to know that. PM me for sources.

Sorry INeedBud, but, I can't believe that. In fact, if you read up on it a little bit more you will find out that high temp smoke is the main thing hurts your lungs. There are other things that damage it but, high temp smoke is the number one cause. Water might lower the THC but, it does clean the smoke and ash; it is a lot more healthier for your lungs. Its just a proven fact man. Water CLEANS things. Period....

What do we use to clean our bodies with? Water
What do we use to clean our clothes with? Water
What do we use to really clean our carpets with? Water
What is one of the best liquids to clean your system out? Water
(these are just a few of the example's)

-Just common sense my friend ;-)


Well-Known Member
Can't you just cite your sounces in the thread? I'm interested in knowing whad reputable scientific body has been doing research into bongs... and to see if they're looking for test subjects


Well-Known Member
ive never even looked at a bong as somthing to smoke out of to be more healthy then smoking out of somthing else lol


Well-Known Member
Who gives a fuck? no disrespect man, i just want to know if anybody really cares. Would this stop anybody from smoking out of a bong?


Well-Known Member
hahaha ^^^ i guess thats kinda what i was trying to say but i was trying to be nice about it lol


Active Member
haha, Yea - if you put it that way man. I would say "no" I don't care. I'm just stating some information thats not true =)


Well-Known Member
if you dont like bongs there are many other ways to get baked but ill use pretty much all smoking devices


Well-Known Member
I find my consumption jumps slightly when I smoke a bong. But i also find it increases my max capacity high. I find joints (except a well rolled splif which I cannot accomplish except rarely and randomly) to be the lowest max capacity for high. Small brass pipes to be the most efficient.

But the difference between smoking a brass or a J and a bong for me, is the difference between getting a buzz and getting BLAZED off the same gram.

Bongs are little easier to hit, but if you hit it right it'll still kick your ass harder than anything else you can smoke out of (cept maybe a shotgun from a glass pipe...ouch).


Well-Known Member
the water may not remove gaseous cancer-causing chems, but it def keeps u from getting a lung full of soot. whats this guys deal with bongs?