Water extraction of essential oils ??

Been reading up on different extractions as I use the oil to fight my Prostrate cancer, here in Okla. the FECO and RSO is TRASH. Hence looking for something new. They are small distilling units that use steam to do the extraction. The Owner of the company says that I should use the Ancient method of low temp water and no steam,(he reccomended a unit that was about 1/2 of the unit I was looking at)So anyone here have experience, any knowlege you care to share.
Would help if you said what you were trying to process and how much.
If the owner is telling you to make ice hash then listen to him and do that.
Grow hash plants. Fresh frozen buds. A camp style washing machine and filter bags.
Make hash.
Been reading up on different extractions as I use the oil to fight my Prostrate cancer, here in Okla. the FECO and RSO is TRASH. Hence looking for something new. They are small distilling units that use steam to do the extraction. The Owner of the company says that I should use the Ancient method of low temp water and no steam,(he reccomended a unit that was about 1/2 of the unit I was looking at)So anyone here have experience, any knowlege you care to share.

I was looking into using a steam distillation unit for making essential oils for extracting my pot but everything I found out about it said it wasn't great for that.

I have no idea how this Ancient method would work. I either make dry sift or use various solvents and stills to make RSO etc with.

You should google 'steam distillation of cannabis' or terms like that to find out more before you invest in something that may not work like you want.

I use a bunch of different vitamins and supplements to manage my enlarged prostate. Just had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and it's shrunk from 64cc to 44.8 and my PSA has dropped 2 full points. Never had a biopsy as the many MRI scans the last 7 years never showed anything other than a bigger prostate. I don't take any pharma meds for it or anything else.

Hope things go well for you.

Steam is how the mono and sesquiterpenes have been harvested for years, but it isn't hot enough for diterpenes and longer molecules.