Water curing question.


Active Member
If you are planning on water curing would it be better to let the buds hang 24 hours before you start water curing or should they go in right after you cut them down?

Also , how many days should you dry after water curing
( before you start jarring ).

Any water temps recommendations?


Well-Known Member
i've asked these q's in the past week. answers:

1. cut plant down
2. trim
3. immediately put in room temp water for7 days, change water daily
4. you can dry in a dehydrator in less than a day.

try watercuring page in growfaq


Active Member
It should not take more than 2 hours in the dehydrator. I've been water curing everything I grow and it is amazing. Like nothing else I have had and I've tried a lot, it also gives me the perfect head high and it kind of like eating it. Water curing is perfect for a vaporizer since it does not have the same bag appeal or smell of traditional curing. In a way you loose all lot but you gain it back with high levels of THC. You should really try it if you have an insect problem or over fertilized it in the last days of your harvest. Also you can dry it in a paper sack by placing it in your window with direct sunlight for a few hours if you do not have a dehydrator.