Water Content for Rockwool Cubes

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
I am having some issues with overwatering in 6" rockwool cubes. I am wondering if getting a water content meter might help with gaging how much water is being held in my cubes. Does anyone here know what the correct water content would be for 6" rockwool cubes?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Yes if you squeeze the cube & water comes out its too saturated. Use a hand mister to keep cubes moist but never wet to the point of saturation especially if you are using them for germination in which case you should have your seeded cube inside a ziplock bag with some air blown in to help retain moisture. If your seed has sprouted you can put the cube in a solo cup half full of hydroton (or soil) & cover with a ziplock bag until it's big enough to transplant to dirt or your hydro system or what have you.
There seems a tendency for a lotta noobs to go out & buy a product to fix the issue of the day but that usually only helps the guy who owns the grow store instead of the grower. In the age of technology & consumerism it seems easier to spend money on a problem than actually solving it. Save your money & use judgement; a meter will just tell you what you already know: that you are overwatering

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
I hand water my cubes.... Richard Drysift, that's basically how I do it now but I am trying to find out if there is a percentage of water content for those cubes... I have heard 20-30% after sitting for several hours is good. So I am curious if anyone has had experience with these meters and the recommended percentage of water content.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Spin em in a salad spinner to remove the excess if ya wanna get technical but you surely don't need a meter for this. Vostok is correct it is just as important to keep them airy; should be as damp as a wrung out sponge.