Water based climate control


Active Member
Hey, has anyone used one of the water cooled climate control units. Basically an air conditioning / heating / dehumidifier / filter unit all in one, but it doesn't need an external part, just a drain.

Which brands have you used? Were they any good?

I'm after going fully sealed but I don't want a vented unit and wondered what these water powered things are like. How much power do they draw? Do they leak? Are they reliable? Are they easy to setup and easy to use?

What I'm after is something that has night time daytime modes, and will control everything without much input. I'm going to be using CO2 with it so if there's anything that works well with that.

Any info appreciated. Cheers.
My only brief venture was PAC controls. Pain in the but software. And over priced. Keep looking or get creative. Not many small scale automated systems I found since then. And most things are multi purpose beyong intended use with a little thought. Be safe and best wishes.