Water and nutrient feeding help!


Hey everyone! i've just transplanted my clones, and gonna transplant some white widow seedlings but I dont know if I should be giving them nutrients or water for the first feed? Can anyone help please. Does anyone have a good schedule for feeding...like when should i use nutrients and when should i use water?, how many times a week? or one week nutrients then one week water, for veg. and flowering stages. Any help would be great. I'm growing in soilless. Happy growing everyone!


Well-Known Member
dont feed for about a month from seed. or until they start showing signs of deficiency.as for the watering id say like every 4-5 days depending on temps in room. just look at the soil and youll be able to tell.
for every 3 waterings, the next one is a good flush with pH neutral water. I feed every 3 days according to General Hydroponics those are thye nutes I use, soil to waste.


Sweet! Thanx guyz. Hey Jesus! Did u find this info on the instructions off the nutrient bottle? Would u do this cycle " 3 feeds nutrient, 1 feed water " for flowering too? Do u guyz also know if I should feed them nutrients at all for the first 2 weeks into flowering? I know that they shouldn't be fed during the last 2 weeks. Hey Timsat! So just strictly water only for the first month? Do u use anything like "superthrive" at all? When do u think the best time to trasplant seedlings? When there are alot of roots? Because mine don't have much yet. I've had so many die already, they would get their first set of leaves then die. I don't know what the problem is. I wonder if the need to get into soil even though not much of a root system has started. Thanx alot! Much appreciated, the info from both of u are really helping.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
first off forget what timsatx1 said..... waiting untill they show a defficency is a great way to lower harvest and fuck up your plants depending whats defficent.... as for soiless lets say its sunshine mix#4 it has no nutes really so you need to start feeding once the plant has a few leaves on it... start off with quarter strength of whatever it says on the bottle and go up from there as the plant grows, remember you want to let some run off drain out when you water so that it helps from getting salt buildup... salt buildup can be a motherfucker because if the nutrients are in huge excess they will not be available to the plants causing a defficiency and then you add more compounding the problem... so be sure and flush once a month