Water Advice

hey guys im about to grow my first 2 plants in my suitcase with mylar reflectors in it
. ive gotten everything down from the lighting to the coco noir to the 18/6 cycles of light. but the most important part is the water. i figure for my first batch im going to use just some water that is R/O. 6 -7 ph and hopefully 20 ppm i will test it out before feeding my plants. i just dont know how much water to give my plants.. so it would be great if i could get some help.. im gonna start the germation process tomorrow. also im gonna feed them Vitamineral GREEN and Vitamineral Earth for nutrients. ill keep you guys posted on the growth if you guys help me out!


Active Member
How are you going to ventalate it?? are you gonna have a fan built in or just leave it open?

Germinate, put in solution, I water like this..

first week: just a few drops around 10.. make sure you dont overwater and add 10 drops as soon as it gets dry
second week: I let them get real dry before watering, as soon as the leaves droop a tiny bit then water good till water drips out bottom. helps root system develop
rest of grow: water slowly and thoroughly till drips of water come out of bottom, dont water till pot is dry and light, leaves droop a tiny bit.
at the end I like to let them get pretty dry it helps them make more resin.. but dont let them dehydrate

thats what I do, and what works for me. so try what you think is good
the suitcase probably isnt more then 3 feet. so i figured if i had 2 plants in there i would just put a mini fan in the middle of the two plants pointing upwards. ill open the suitcase once a day or twice to let more air in and feed them.. maybe ill even breathe inside the suitcase for co2..


Active Member
your breath doesnt contain enough co2 to make a difference.. unless u were maybe blowing on them 24/7

Your plants need Oxygen as well as Co2, opening it twice a day isnt going to work very well.. maybe make a hole and put black fabric with the fan inside againt it, sucking in air from the outside.
Oh and dont feed them for a couple week's.. What is your lighting if you dont mine me asking?
could you explain not feeding them? i was actually going to mix up the coco noir with some vitamineral green and vitamineral earth.. raw superfoods.. all plant material like chlorophyll and spurillina.. i was gonna use a single 5500k CFL 50-70 watt not 100 % sure on how strong for 2 plants. sorry if i sound stupid thats why im asking haha


Active Member
Dont use too much at first.. are u goin to transplant or staying in that for the plants life?? when u transplant use more of ur superfoods. and one cfl is good for 2 plants for about a week.. try n get the closest to 7000 kelvin u can, thats the optimal tempature for vegging, for flowering get 2700 kelvin


Active Member
Get as much wattage as you possibly can, if you do good you might get .5 gram per watt with cfl's

have the lights as close as you can without burning them, if you have a fan blowing right between plants and lights.

Get the blue 6500 for veg, and 2700 for when u switch to flowering.