watching my buddys spot while hes away.. please help. taco leaves

first off im using pro mix and RO water and in week 5 of flower.

so blue lab combo meter took a shit the other night as i was ph-ing straight ro water. it went from 5.5 straight to 7 and stayed locked there, put it in 4.0 solution.... nothing. so i said ok ill just guess a little bit and throw a little bit more baking soda in the water to bring it up to 5.8 and not even bother with nutes and ill grab a new meter in the morning. did that and got the new meter. im guessing its because my water stays cold? idk, but the meter i bought ended up fucking up(but i didn't know that at the time). luckily i ordered another bluelab and it was on the way. but i calibrated this meter that i had just bought, ph'd my water and did my feedings for the day. so now the next day my bluelab comes in and i calibrate it and test the 2 meters against each other...... they were almost a full 1.0 apart. but when i put them both in the solution the blue lab was on point but the other was off by .2 at most so thats why im thinking maybe its the cold water fucking with the one meter? i don't know, but either way that means they got a full day of feeding with straight ro water at like 4.7. The leaves began to taco, so ive been flushing with straight ro at 5.8 for the past 3 days but some of them are still taco-ing. i feel like i should just say screw it and start adding nutes again.

last question. today i finally noticed that ph drifts up after the water stops being agitated (im dumb, i know) i usually keep a vacuum pump going the whole time i mix my feeds and check ph, so when i stopped the one pump to turn on the other one connected to the hose i never noticed that my 5.8 would jump to 6.2-6.3 (ive only tested this with ro water not with nutes so i dont know if the nutes keep the ph consistent. im using advanced nutes btw) so ow im thinking that this whole time ive been feeding at too high of a ph sometimes, sometimes i would feed when i had the pump on and the meter read 6.0, so that means when the water settles it jumps to like 6.5
so where am i supposed to take my ph numbers from, after the water has sat without any movement, or do i take it when im agitating the water?

thanks for you help everyone. i hope this was posted in the right spot and if i fucked up somehow my bad i apologize
first off im using pro mix and RO water and in week 5 of flower.

so blue lab combo meter took a shit the other night as i was ph-ing straight ro water. it went from 5.5 straight to 7 and stayed locked there, put it in 4.0 solution.... nothing. so i said ok ill just guess a little bit and throw a little bit more baking soda in the water to bring it up to 5.8 and not even bother with nutes and ill grab a new meter in the morning. did that and got the new meter. im guessing its because my water stays cold? idk, but the meter i bought ended up fucking up(but i didn't know that at the time). luckily i ordered another bluelab and it was on the way. but i calibrated this meter that i had just bought, ph'd my water and did my feedings for the day. so now the next day my bluelab comes in and i calibrate it and test the 2 meters against each other...... they were almost a full 1.0 apart. but when i put them both in the solution the blue lab was on point but the other was off by .2 at most so thats why im thinking maybe its the cold water fucking with the one meter? i don't know, but either way that means they got a full day of feeding with straight ro water at like 4.7. The leaves began to taco, so ive been flushing with straight ro at 5.8 for the past 3 days but some of them are still taco-ing. i feel like i should just say screw it and start adding nutes again.

last question. today i finally noticed that ph drifts up after the water stops being agitated (im dumb, i know) i usually keep a vacuum pump going the whole time i mix my feeds and check ph, so when i stopped the one pump to turn on the other one connected to the hose i never noticed that my 5.8 would jump to 6.2-6.3 (ive only tested this with ro water not with nutes so i dont know if the nutes keep the ph consistent. im using advanced nutes btw) so ow im thinking that this whole time ive been feeding at too high of a ph sometimes, sometimes i would feed when i had the pump on and the meter read 6.0, so that means when the water settles it jumps to like 6.5
so where am i supposed to take my ph numbers from, after the water has sat without any movement, or do i take it when im agitating the water?

thanks for you help everyone. i hope this was posted in the right spot and if i fucked up somehow my bad i apologize
1) pHing RO water gives you a non-datum.

2) ProMix has no nutrient. What is your feed regimen (nute brand and quantities?)

3) use potassium bicarbonate, not the sodium
salt! Sodium tends to exacerbate lockout.

4) ??? vacuum pump
1) ph-ing ro does nothing to/ for the plant?

2) im using advanced nutrients, but theyve been flushing for 3 days

3) i gotta use what hes given me for now. if there ends up being a BIG problem i dont want it to be beacuse i added something different than what hes used before.

4) yea vaccum pump... like to pump out a fish tank or some shit.. attach hose to one end and put in rez to feed
They're taco ing more intensely than what you can see in this pic.[this isnt my pic, just showing they look like this but more extreme]


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1) ph-ing ro does nothing to/ for the plant?

2) im using advanced nutrients, but theyve been flushing for 3 days

3) i gotta use what hes given me for now. if there ends up being a BIG problem i dont want it to be beacuse i added something different than what hes used before.

4) yea vaccum pump... like to pump out a fish tank or some shit.. attach hose to one end and put in rez to feed
1) Pretty much nothing. RO water has very low ionic strength, and that means it pretty much adopts the pH of the medium.

2) I haven’t used it myself, but their basic range is supposed to be good, while all the extra bottles tend to be unnecessary.
Please provide details on what, how much.

3) I don’t see a problem

4) I’m a cheap bastard and feed by filling Solo cups.
2) nrivana, bud candy,big bud, b52, rhino skin, sensizyme at 7.3ml/ gal. cal mag at 5ml/ gal, usually ppms to about 700 then i do a and b to make it up to 1400

3) i think i should go get pics... any way it could be under/ over watering?

edit: also, any idea on letting the water sit or not? thats bugging the fuck out of me
so im going back and forth in my head between like 3 main possibilities

1. theres no problem.. but i think there is.
2. its deficent because of all the flushing
3. over or under watering.. but theyve been getting same amount of water at the same times so idk how it could be that
so im going back and forth in my head between like 3 main possibilities

1. theres no problem.. but i think there is.
2. its deficent because of all the flushing
3. over or under watering.. but theyve been getting same amount of water at the same times so idk how it could be that
From the pic, they don’t look bad to me.
I’d feed gently and see what happens.

Should I be making a cardinal mistake, I ask someone who has relevant experience to step in.
ill have an actual pic of them in a little while.. thank you so much for all of your help human
edit: * fellow human*... its 2020 idk if i can say dude on forums anymore or not
Whacha think


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Those plants have been overfed. 1400 ppm is more than is needed and all that stuff being dumped on those plants is unnecessary. I don't understand why people feel the need to dump so much crap on their plants. Those plants look like shit.
Too much nutrient...cut waaaaay back half at least. May want to just give ph'd water and see if any recovery happens.
You er he is far along soooo...may not be a lot that can be done .