waste not want not


Active Member
Ok, so I just harvested my first plant. Thinking $$ not nessi9sarily what your favorite to do is, I no longer smoke, but I will be selling most of it.

I have a pile of bud (drying now, jar curing soon)

A pile of leaves (this is the stuff trimmed directly from the edge of the buds, very crystaly, but to big to be left on)

A pile of stems.

What can I do with the later two piles?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I just harvested my first plant. Thinking $$ not nessi9sarily what your favorite to do is, I no longer smoke, but I will be selling most of it.

I have a pile of bud (drying now, jar curing soon)

A pile of leaves (this is the stuff trimmed directly from the edge of the buds, very crystaly, but to big to be left on)

A pile of stems.

What can I do with the later two piles?
Search for Bubble bags. you can make bubble hash, or grind it all up and make edibles. even the stems will carry some thc, through the extraction process to make the butter you can get every bit out of them


Active Member
I would use it to make edibles, look up how much you would need. I used to pay $20 for a muffin sized brownie. People love an edible option from a supplier.


Well-Known Member
If you want hash and no bags. Search for iso hash and bho. What I do with all the left overs is hash, butter, moonshine tincture, and iso oil. Everything but the hash uses the stems. I want the cbds not really the thc. Butter is for my cooking. Shine if for a few drops under the tung to sleep and the iso oil I use like a rubbing oil on my arthris hands and knees. Also works good rubbed on my spine but the gf won't do it that much cuz I fall asleep. Lol. No pain


Active Member
So you can make the butter out of leaves and stems??

Any chance you could give me a recipe for something you have tried yourself and know to be good?


Well-Known Member
ive made cookies before and i used the recipe thats all over the net....the one where you boil the weed with butter then let it harden to the top then use the butter which will be greenish and has no actual weed pieces in it.....AND IT DIDNT WORK FOR SHIT i shoulda just smoked the pot i used to make em!!! anyone know what i did wrong or have a better method for myself and the mad titan lol or if eating pot is always a crappy high??


Well-Known Member
I'll post my method in a few. It dose take about 3 days to do mine but almost no green taste and stony as hell


Well-Known Member
ive made cookies before and i used the recipe thats all over the net....the one where you boil the weed with butter then let it harden to the top then use the butter which will be greenish and has no actual weed pieces in it.....AND IT DIDNT WORK FOR SHIT i shoulda just smoked the pot i used to make em!!! anyone know what i did wrong or have a better method for myself and the mad titan lol or if eating pot is always a crappy high??
I would use the small buds, shake and sugar leaves...not stems or fan leaves. 2nd...don't boil you burn up the THC. Warm in a crockpot for several hours with butter and water....then throw it in the fridge....lots of tutorials on this. 2 of my cookies will put you on mars


Well-Known Member
Well here is how I make my butter.

Things you will need.
1 blender
1 large pot
1 dubble boiler or 2 small pots that will on top of each other
2 wire mesh strainers
1 crock pot
Cheese cloth
1oz of surger trim
2 sticks of real butter
1 large bowl
Any stocks you have

So now let's start.

Place trim in blender. Blend it to a fine coffee texture.
In a large pot add the trim. Add water about 1-2 inch above the trim. Bring to a simmer.
During this time cut your stocks to fit in crock pot.
Now water and trim should almost be boiling. Add the 2 sticks of butter let it melt don't stur it yet.
When butter is melted stur the mush till most of the trim starts to settle on the bottom.
Dump the pot into the crock pot with you stocks. Add water tip most stocks are covered
Turn crock pot to low and cover.
Stur it bout every 2 hours bring the stuff of the bottom to the top.
Let it go for 24-36 hours. Never let it get dry
Take your 2 strainers and cheese cloth. Cloth folded and placed in between strainers
With that made place over your bowl. Bowl needs to be big enough to hold all the water or use 2
Use a coffee cup and slowly scoop out the water and trim. Keep crock pot on.
Strain eveythin into bowl. Not all the trim will come out. Sqwize as much out of the cloth. It will be hot
Place bowl in frig overnight.
Pull bowl out don't shake it don't want to brake the crust
Cut the crust and set on it's side. Let water dry off but don't let butter melt
Place all the crust in dubble boiler melt it down
Take your strainers this time have cheese cloth on both
Strain butter 1 more time. This time all the trim should be gone
Place in a storage container and place in frig. Once cold you can freeze if you want
Each container should have 1cup of butter.
This will be supper strong. And taste like plant if you use it like that but easy to store
So when ready to use place butter in rubble boiler and add 2 more sticks of butter and melt.
You can now bake with it. 2 cups of butter.
If your going to use it in pasta or any food that is a meal add 4-6 sticks. 3-4 cups now.
I would recamend eating 2 cookies or 1 brownie and give it 1 hour to kick in. Then if you want more eat another.
Happy eating.

Take your


Well-Known Member
Forgot! don't boil the water you want it only hot enough to melt the butter. And just make the changes in butter amount to how much trim you use.


Well-Known Member
Unless you're talking about super-long tough hemp stems intended for fiber production, stems are worthless. Chuck those. Fan leaves are nearly worthless too.

On "sugar" leaves, you've got a few choices.

-You can extract the THC by low-temperature boiling with oil or butter, then use this to cook with.

-If you save enough decent trim, you can use it to make hash. Note that there are ways to do this with ice water, coffee filters and the like without bubble bags, but IMO its really not worth the effort if all you've got are a few handfuls of leaves.

-If the stuff looks REALLY good (ie full of crystals) you can simply dry and smoke it all by itself. Yes, the smoke will be harsher than pure flowers, and it won't be as potent. But its still a lot better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
You will be happy. There are easyer ways but I find the extra steps I take make it smoother and everyone loves it. My last harvest I had 3 pounds of trim and made 35 cups. So that's 35 lb of butter after adding the extra cup of butter. Still have 10 cups in the freezer.


Well-Known Member
The stems have CBD's and for the most part is what you want in you butter. The trim has a ton of CBD's and with the trics adds THC for the extra high.

Unless you're talking about super-long tough hemp stems intended for fiber production, stems are worthless. Chuck those. Fan leaves are nearly worthless too.

On "sugar" leaves, you've got a few choices.

-You can extract the THC by low-temperature boiling with oil or butter, then use this to cook with.

-If you save enough decent trim, you can use it to make hash. Note that there are ways to do this with ice water, coffee filters and the like without bubble bags, but IMO its really not worth the effort if all you've got are a few handfuls of leaves.

-If the stuff looks REALLY good (ie full of crystals) you can simply dry and smoke it all by itself. Yes, the smoke will be harsher than pure flowers, and it won't be as potent. But its still a lot better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
so how much do you need to get a good high...say i made 1 4x6 or whatever size those pyrex containers are..and it calls for one stick....how much of the stick must you eat? half the brownies? or just one piece which would be say a T of butter?!!....also do you have to do the second strain...i dont mind a couple little pieces wont taste it over chocolate