Washington researchers developing breath test for THC


Well-Known Member
Herbert Hill, a WSU chemist, is part of a team that's hoping to borrow from technology used by airport security screeners and customs agents to detect explosives and drugs to develop a portable device that can test for the presence of THC.
Hill said he and WSU doctoral student Jessica Tufariello are working on a handheld device that uses a technique called ion mobility spectrometry to detect THC in someone’s breath.
Right now, officers and prosecutors rely on blood tests to determine how much active THC is present in a driver’s blood. Those test results aren’t immediately available to patrol officers who suspect someone is driving high.
Initiative 502 set 5 nanograms of active THC per milliliter of blood as the legal limit at which a driver is automatically determined to be impaired.

The test will detect whether THC is present, but won't be able to say at what level.

From here: http://www.oregonlive.com/marijuana/index.ssf/2014/12/washington_researchers_develop.html
Its not going to work, if I could, we would have it by now. People smoked more pot back in the 1960's-70's then they do today, the problem is not new. I say people smoke more back then cause shit, I recall puffing in HS outside at age 15..today that would be a major crime--like rape, lol ...it would be, a bunch of freaks hanging out in back of the school selling weed and puffing away on each break between classes, day after day.

Besides its not really a problem like drinking driving is. Take the old DUI standards that we had up to the 1990's. Impaired was at .10 and drunk wasn't until .15, there is no way somebody could be at .15 and still be in control of their driving.
if you were to refuse a test for dui as is now for alcohol, you immediately get charged with dui..
I guess the laws changed. in my younger days I refused the test said fuck it, I'm not doing any test and they pretty much made me take a test when they took Me to jail.