Was This a Good Idea?


Well-Known Member
Yeah other than being stretched your plant is looking healthy

My plants were stretchy as I started my grow with a 100w bulb!

They went from this

to this!


Well-Known Member
Your harvest should be fine, as long as you take care of the light problem, now. I'm guessing you're using CFLs? You want your plant to be bushier? Throw them away, go buy a $20 shoplight, and position it within 1" from the top of your plant. I can guarantee it'll stop stretching, and grow outwards, instead of upwards. Idk why more new guys don't do this, they work much better than 95% of the CFL setups I see.


Well-Known Member
You could also LST it, either now or when you have more nodes... this will bring down the profile making up for the stretch. I also would have cloned that top, to sex and see how the bud might come out.


Well-Known Member
When did you topped it? Looks like the 4 or 5 braches you'll cool I top at the 5 set of braches cuz the first 2 ain't shit that'll leave you a Six Pack of cola's


Well-Known Member
Your harvest should be fine, as long as you take care of the light problem, now. I'm guessing you're using CFLs? You want your plant to be bushier? Throw them away, go buy a $20 shoplight, and position it within 1" from the top of your plant. I can guarantee it'll stop stretching, and grow outwards, instead of upwards. Idk why more new guys don't do this, they work much better than 95% of the CFL setups I see.
what's a shop light?


Well-Known Member
a light bought from a shop I would guess, hehe, j/k. I think he may mean just a normal halogen light, a regular bulb , fuk me I don't even know what they are called either...you know, shop bulb things.

what's a shop light?


Well-Known Member
^Nah, I was talking about a T12 or T8, with the 4' bulbs. They call 'em "shoplights" around here. I'd NEVER recommend halogens for growing, or anything ineffective, for that matter.... :wink:


Active Member
Thanks for all ya comments and stuff makes me feel better coz i was not sure. I used a 125 watt florescent to start the seeds,
in 1m by 1m grow tent with a small fan. I did five first and they were fine then i did some more but there was a increase in
temp outside and they strecthed. They are now under 400 watt hps veging and look great.
im wondering how long the buried stem an inch or two under the soil will take to start producing roots??? as i dont really
want to pot it on into 15 ltre untill has lots of roots in pots (plant in picture i mean)
Thanks again folks