WARNING Circle K/Citgo


Active Member
Just a warning to fellow smokers, if any of you are aware that Circle K (the gas station) aquired Citgo (another gas station) country wide. Here is my warning to you. Thursday night went to buy a 6 pack and had red eyes. Now I am old enough to buy alchol but the ass behind the window refused to serve me and held my id while he called the police on me. He wouldn't tell me why he was calling the police but sure enough 2 cop cars did show up. After unlawfully being searched and held against my will by the police, they did release me without any charges or tickets. WTF is that about. This same thing happened to a buddy of mine a few weeks ago at a different location. Make sure you watch your back when you visit these assholes.


Well-Known Member
im sure that it's not all circle k and citgo gas stations doing this i'm sure its just the one in your area


Active Member
That could be possible, the city I live in has a population of maybe 50,000 the neighboring metro area "Akron" has about 220,000, in cuyahoga falls we have more police resources then the metro city does. When my buddy was hasseled it was in Cleveland about 50 miles away. What really sucks is this is the same gas station I patronize daily for the past 2 years. A couple months ago they fired everyone that worked there and filled it with stuck up pricks wearing the "Circle K" shirts. The main reason I go there is its the only place with a drive through =) Most of the people there in the day know me by name and I know then but this guy I have never seen before. I managed to get the district managers phone number and left him a voicemail yesterday however he hasn't gotten back to me we'll see.


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fat sam

Well-Known Member
you should post a sign up at the pumps saying what they do there, or maybe say you saw the guy selling to minors


Well-Known Member
man i would be like give me my fucking id, and demand it back cause you werent doing anything wrong and tell the cops that its illegal for someone to do that, plus you could have told the guy you were high and he couldnt do jack shit about it cause he wouldnt have any evidence to prove it


I was gonna say, I hook a guy up who works the night shift at the one right up the street...he was just mad because his eyes weren't red


Well-Known Member
Who cares if they all are doing it or not. You still should refuse to use their services since they've been aquired by Citgo. Citgo is owned by Venezuela. If you use their services your money is promoting Hugo Chavez.