Wanting to know something about my clones???????

My clones have rooted and look very nice but, I have yet to put the pucks in soil. They rooted fine and look good. They were soaked most of the time in the pucks and did a fine job rooting. Should they be misted or should the roots be in water?

I put a few drops of peroxide in the water i used to expand the pucks I think that made a difference because they were probably a little too wet throughout the process. I kept water in the ridges of the humidity dome and also misted them with water and Liquid Karma. It's not a super high maintenance plant so I imagine if it was the results probably wouldnt have went so well seeing as to how it's my first time. Anyways I guess I really just wanna know how long the exposed roots can sit in my humidity dome under light without being in soil?


Well-Known Member
I'd put them in soil now, they are ready to start laying down a nice healthy root system, making them wait has no real benefits.


Well-Known Member
^Agreed. Is there a reason you can't throw them in a party cup with some soil? At any rate, keep the roots wet.(the ones poking out of the puck) They'll die off if they dry out, at that young age.