Wanting to build a grow Box need some info


Well-Known Member
Was thinking of building a grown box , was gonna build it out of old cold storage panels . We used them to build industrial freezers , i have about four 10 foot panels that are 42 inches wide . Will use those to buiold the box , im new to this farming so any items i need plz feel free to shout them out to me . Im just looking to grow 1 maybe 2 plants at a time . Looking for budget Build Thx for all the help . And also a noob question .... Growing in a grow box ables you to grow year round ? thx again all :hump:


Well-Known Member
ok make sure u have good ventilation. and do u know how big its going to be? and yes growing in a box lets u grow whenever u want


Well-Known Member
was thinking maybe 6 foot tall and here is a basic design lmao And any info on how to do the Vent system
would be greta or do ya mean just get exhaust fan in it ? Hell even 4 foot tall would prolly be good enough for me , its for the head .


Well-Known Member
well cut i hole in the top (exhaust) . and cut a hole in the bottom (intake)
attach a fan to the top to PULL air OUT and a fan to the bottom to PUSH air IN. Not too hard eh. =)


Well-Known Member
Trying to attach my design but it wont upload , anyhow im new to this everyone any references you can give me on lights would be great i want to grow 2 at a time . Anything that is cost effective woul be great for the bills ect . thx again


Well-Known Member
well High Intensity Discharge (HIDs) cost quite a bit and add more to your electricity bill. But they make growing alot easier and they produce alot BIGGER BUDS FASTER. But Compact florescent lights (CFLs [the twisty bulbs]) are CHEAP AND ENERGY EFFICIENT... but they take time to grow with... and you have alot of them.


Well-Known Member
Thats a vague want but you need two holes, one for intake with a blower fan if going hid, and one for an outtake. You want the outake up top naturally as heat rises and the intake near the bottom. With that i dont think you need that much help with the design. Hid are superior to any indoor lighting, for 2 healthy plants a 250w hps light what work fine, and depending on where you live they should run you about 10 bucks a month. i wish i had some of that material, that shits great for sound proofing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we use it for building beer coolers , Dog houses and my brother built a practice room for his band . Also they reflect light really well . I have my design down , was just seeing what ya thought about the inner works of the system . im sure ill go for the HID .


Well-Known Member
ok then your vent system become a little different.
ill let someone more experienced in that field help you out.
im a cfl guy
good luck


Active Member
hid's aren't too costly if you check around. hit ebay too, lots of good stuff. but temps are the biggest problems. make sure a LOT of ventilation