• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Want to read my crazy idea?


Active Member
So, this has had to of been thought of before, BUT I would love to be the one to bring it to action. I know we all have problems in our communities, but to look out into the world and see the hunger and living conditions that other HUMAN BEINGS are living in..its tough NOT to want to help. A lot of this has been sparked by me reading into the NWO/Illumanati conspiracy (which i believe for the most part). I dont believe in war, I never have. Thus, seeing innocent people suffer in foriegn countries because they dont follow their agenda, pisses me off. But hell, I'm a small guy, just a peeon here in this world. But I have passion and love for fellow humans, no matter the religion, race, opinion, whatever. I would love to be able to go out and spread love and peace even in a war zone. But what i really want to do, and this is the crazy part....is set something up to where we have a non profit organization, that collects a very small (idk 1-3%) of the over-paid glamour athletes paychecks and turns it into something a little better than a fkn pool with gold trimmings. Turn that money into love and give people hope...because in our times, there looks to be no hope. I strongly believe God, our One Creator, One God, will look out for His beings, but it wouldnt hurt us to help him a little! Not that He needs help haha, its just I feel like I could do more than sit at a desk job and work for nothing but materialistic achievements. Damn, I need a joint right now. RIUers..if you are reading and toking, right now take a spiff for me :joint::lol:.

Anywho...I know the whole tax thing would never go. I told my gf today that i would love to take the Kardashians and put them in a fkn box and ship them somewhere in Antartica. Overpaid people that do nothing but read a script and party. Seriously, Jersey Shore??? Cmon Snookie is getting famous for what?? Drinking and working at a fkn tshirt shop? wow...Drama is over-rated.

Sorry for my rant. I would love some feedback from anyone, positive or negative. And no matter what...keep God as number one on your priorites, and keep smoking the seed bearing plant of Mary-Mfn-Jane:weed:


Well-Known Member
and just when is all this technology we have going to start to work for us instead of the other way around? i dont get it.


Active Member
Well if the gvt really is 30 years ahead or whatever...then it never will. technology is a great tool that can be used in productive and amazing ways. but in the wrong hands it can lead to destruction of men and domination over nations...thats my opinion anyways


Active Member
Wow, that is legit tho. If it works like they say where they instantly give up and it doesnt cause permanent damage, I think used by the right guards and not a torture tool, it could keep guards more safe from the crazier inmates. But think if the military can discover ways to transfer that type of energy, and they were going to use it as crowd control, they have to have some pretty insane stuff/tools/techniques. Very scary thought.

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
i get what you say but it will never happen you will always have leachers of this world like unimpoyment checks rofl people not working are making more money then me and not even looking for a job some bullshit idk what thia world is comming to people making millions doing nothing and not sharing there wealth with the rest of the world people are dieing of starvation and suicied for not being able to feed there family why celeberteys are making gold pools come on keep toking we all need to work together in this world and stop fighting greed is a brutal thing


Active Member
unemployment checks are legit man. unless the person is taking advantage. you cant blame the tools. you have to blame the people taking advantage of these great parts of our societies. but yeah we all need to spread love and the thing ive noticed about the majority of weed smokers is we want to spread love and peace. God made this plant for those of us that think deeply and want true peace.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
I belive in war, i belive in death to those who deserve it. We can have war and not make the innocent suffer. Im going to join the us army infantry in a couple years, i cant wait. But you can be a peace keeper and still cause death.


Active Member
How can you have a successful war without killing innocents? Like your oppenent is going to meet you at a flag pole (neutral position)...I do believe in the dealth penalty for murderers and rapist. and please explain how peace keeping can cause death?

The Stig

Well-Known Member
I agree with you! with the idea for that project, you can make it

and that we have too many leeches on the world :cuss:

also what this world need the most right now is education.. and I mean real! education, about life and the universe. not the fake and limited old school kind of education that everyone learns at school or college etc..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i just stopped by to leave some hate for the cast of jersey shore for helping to turn this country into a toilet. and about the comment on education, how can you expect people to educate themselves if they think heidi and spencer splitting is more important? i don't associate with complete idiots, yet i found out the other day a good friend has no idea who the mayor of our city is. but he can tell you who won american idol each year since the beginning. just watch it burn bro.


Active Member
It honestly comes down to the people that just WANT to learn and explore this world and see what it is beyond the false reality of the t.v. It sucks tho, for me, cuz im new to this perspective and i still cant tell you shit about some of the recent news. I have been reading more and more online and doing tons more research and I have honestly never felt more alive now that i trust our God and i only take my own initiative and take advice from people that i truly get good vibes from and believe that they themselves fight and earn their own living. The only problem with this world today, is even if i did go thru with my idea and it worked...I alone and even with the help of thousands couldnt outdo the gvt and people in power. Nothing will get better....but i still see life in nature and hope in the good humans around the world.


Well-Known Member
I belive in war, i belive in death to those who deserve it. We can have war and not make the innocent suffer. Im going to join the us army infantry in a couple years, i cant wait. But you can be a peace keeper and still cause death.
if that aint a big oxy moron i dont kno what is.


Well-Known Member
u know the thing about the useless fuckin kardashians and other useless leeches, is that millions of people love to watch them. what does that say about the people that love them or our society? some people idolize their stupidity and wealth that most of us will never achieve. n
why are some obsessed over bentleys and million dollar condos when that is shit most of us wont attain? we made them who they are but im sure they think we are beneath them. i am happy with my little place and my family and animals. these celebrities are put on a pedestal but they are no better than anyone else.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
u know the thing about the useless fuckin kardashians and other useless leeches, is that millions of people love to watch them. what does that say about the people that love them or our society? some people idolize their stupidity and wealth that most of us will never achieve. n
why are some obsessed over bentleys and million dollar condos when that is shit most of us wont attain? we made them who they are but im sure they think we are beneath them. i am happy with my little place and my family and animals. these celebrities are put on a pedestal but they are no better than anyone else.

i have a friend who is obsessed with these people and mtv and she's just short of her 30th birthday which i find double disturbing. every once in a while when i'm at her house smoking or whatever she will force me to watch some of this crap. we always have the same conversation. i say, "why?". and she says, "it's entertaining." then i make some snide "people who get distracted by lint" comment and we leave it at that. she's almost 30 and she still looks to the media for an identity. example: she has always talked "black" but has not a single black friend. i mean this is an urban place but still. no one in her circle talks that way. she got her indentity almost exclusively from the people whom she's never met in the media. she thinks i'm "smart" because i knew that india was in asia. figures in the media get to make up corny trends because there are plenty of slackjawed morons who will believe anything if it comes from someone with nice shoes and teeth.


Well-Known Member
i have a friend who is obsessed with these people and mtv and she's just short of her 30th birthday which i find double disturbing. every once in a while when i'm at her house smoking or whatever she will force me to watch some of this crap. we always have the same conversation. i say, "why?". and she says, "it's entertaining." then i make some snide "people who get distracted by lint" comment and we leave it at that. she's almost 30 and she still looks to the media for an identity. example: she has always talked "black" but has not a single black friend. i mean this is an urban place but still. no one in her circle talks that way. she got her indentity almost exclusively from the people whom she's never met in the media. she thinks i'm "smart" because i knew that india was in asia. figures in the media get to make up corny trends because there are plenty of slackjawed morons who will believe anything if it comes from someone with nice shoes and teeth.

OMFG! I know what you mean!!

What the hell is with people these days?!

I have a friend who said her bf thought the penis was an actual bone!

I get the same shit about "it's entertaining". My exgf watches that same shit relentlessly, the Real World, the Real Housewives bullshit, and that's the same excuse she always gave me. "It's entertaining". OK, that's fine, the point these people seem to be missing is that it doesn't matter if it's entertaining. A lot of shit is entertaining. I visit a website that has videos of actual deaths and the aftermaths, but I don't think that shit should be on TV for everyone to see. It's fine if you want to go seek it out for yourself like I do, but the stuff that is shown to millions of people, that influences millions of lives, literally changes the way people think has to be held up to some kind of standards. This kind of shit is the root of one of the most basic problems in America.

Why don't we have useful serial killers who kill idiots like Snookie and Ryan Seacrest?

I had another friend tell me one time when I asked her what she was (political affiliation), and she said "oh my parents are Republican, so I'm a republican too.." :facepalm:

Another one actually said "I don't really care about politics..." ... all I could do was stare... Why not just say "I'm a total fuckin' idiot who knows nothing about the real world and am proud to broadcast it.."

I experience some kind of stupidity like that on a daily basis...


Well-Known Member
MAN i feel u all ... freakin IDIOTS these days.. i think the majority of people are just complete morons it's sad... I don't really know what to say to such clueless humans i just avoid them at all costs.


Well-Known Member
i have a friend who is obsessed with these people and mtv and she's just short of her 30th birthday which i find double disturbing. every once in a while when i'm at her house smoking or whatever she will force me to watch some of this crap. we always have the same conversation. i say, "why?". and she says, "it's entertaining." then i make some snide "people who get distracted by lint" comment and we leave it at that. she's almost 30 and she still looks to the media for an identity. example: she has always talked "black" but has not a single black friend. i mean this is an urban place but still. no one in her circle talks that way. she got her indentity almost exclusively from the people whom she's never met in the media. she thinks i'm "smart" because i knew that india was in asia. figures in the media get to make up corny trends because there are plenty of slackjawed morons who will believe anything if it comes from someone with nice shoes and teeth.
yeah i definitely hear that. i hate to say it but my wife watches all those. i am like why watch this shit? the kardashians are rich and have never lifted a finger in their life. they would never do the work half us do. i try not to be judgemental of people but more and more i am losing faith in people.
i am just trying not to become too cynical but it is harder and harder each year. the cool thing is to look good and act dumb, get rich. some, not all younger people or girls wanna grow up to be like this. on the social networking sites when they have the books u read section half the people are like who reads anymore? i am afraid one day the united states will turn into the movie idiocracy lol. i just wish some people would realize that these celebrities are no better than us and to just be yourself, be content with what you have. the sole meaning of life is not to whip a benz and get drunk in south beach clubs every night. most people dont live that life, some do but not me.