Want to do this right...need all the help I can get!


Active Member
Hey all, im pretty new the this board and very new at growing (1st timer) and this is what i have done soo far:

I germinated 8 bag seeds, then stupidly planted them all in a cut up milk gallon container - together!, with Scotts Seed Starter soil. I know Im going to have to transplant them to individual containers but the budget is pretty tight. So any thoughts about what type of recycled containers I could use? Like cut up 2 liter bottles? or even more milk or water gallon containers? I don't want to have to replant again and I know I need about a gallon for every foot of the plant. I dont want incredibly tall plants so a foot works for me. So going on, I have my one container with the 8 seeds that have already started to sprout. I planted them on Saturday so they are on day 4 and are about an inch tall already. I have the container in a kitchen cabinet that is about a foot and a half tall by 3 feet wide. I have a shelf in there and for light I have only one 100watt cfl in a clip on desk lamp, that is positioned a few inches from the plant. They seem to be doing well but my questions are as follows:
How many lights and watts will I need? (I plan on getting 2 power strips, and using light bulb adapters to plug in about 3 cfls on each one and placing them above the plants at first under the shelf and then as they get taller putting the lights on the top of the cabinet)
What watts should i use for vegetation?
What watts should I use for Flowering?
When should I start to fertalize and how often?
Can I force my hopefully girls into early flowering to keep them on the shorter side?
I have the option of using a closet at some point (just gotta get my lazy ass in gear and clean it out), but I would like to utilize the cabinet for as long as possible - do I have to switch?
Also How soon should I replant them? I know theyre not that big but I dont want my roots to entangle. Should this be done asap?

Any and all input would be majorly appreciated! Check out the pics below to get a better idea.


Active Member
issues with upload I guess I have too many KBs. Any one know how to decrease the KBs in a picture?