W/W 12/12 from seed heat-smell issues

ok i got couple W/W 12/12 from seed, under 125 red spectrum grow CFl
Im currently 16 days in(from breaking the soil) and plants started to smell, but only when my fan is on, once is off smell is almost unnoticable. In growing in box room so i cannot vent out, i got ONA gel which seems to do the work when fan is off.
BUT when the fan is off temps are around 87, with fan on around 73-would high teps harm plants?
im growing in cupboard, the doors are wonky so its not hermetic-wont be able to install carbon filter, i leave doors open for a day and have fan blowing air in, and i keep doors closed during night-lights off
Will the smell just gradually get worse and worse every day, till i chop them down or does the smell stops getting worse lets say half way through flowering and then stays on same level??:bigjoint:


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I am growing Dutch Passion WW and I hate to break the news to you.... It is only going to smell more every day! Your plants look healthy, but aren't going to yield much 12/12 from seed.