VPD Monitoring


Well-Known Member
I don't have enough dogecoin to drop on a pulse pro or any other advanced monitoring system for my tent. I purchased a hygrometer thermometer (link at the bottom) which provides the feed to their app via blue tooth. It also allows for a result export function which will send a .csv file to your email. From there, I created a spreadsheet that will calculate the VPD over that data set. This obviously isn't real-time monitoring of the space, but this can provide an overview of the VPD condition for that range.

Google Sheets - VPD Calculation

Govee Indoor Hygrometer Thermometer 2 Pack
I use a Sensorpush HTP.wx to monitor my grow room and get tents dialed-in. It gives real-time (well, one reading a minute) of canopy temp, humidity and VPD via Bluetooth as a csv file. At about 90 USD its a decent entry level tool.
I've found that my tent conditions have not varied enough to constantly monitor in real time. That of course may change and that price point does sound nice. Though that is also about the cost of a 12 pack of regular seeds...
I found the real time is useful for set up and equipment changes. Once the system is relatively consistent, after about a week or so, I can shut the sensor off. But it was invaluable (to me) for starting out.
I bought a rasberry pi to try my hand at homeowner automation. Been in the box a year now.
I have worked on enough commercial automation, I should be able to get something going.
This guy has created a fully automated system using a raspberry pi as he shows step by step here:
A full write-up of all parts and every instruction, parts, dimensions etc. here: https://kylegabriel.com/projects/2020/06/automated-hydroponic-system-build.html

And the web interface and his other code for the raspberry pi called 'Mycodo' can be found here: https://kizniche.github.io/Mycodo/

No need to be lazy when someone else has already done all the work for you :D
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This guy has created a fully automated system using a raspberry pi as he shows step by step here:
A full write-up of all parts and every instruction, parts, dimensions etc. here: https://kylegabriel.com/projects/2020/06/automated-hydroponic-system-build.html

And the web interface and his other code for the raspberry pi called 'Mycodo' can be found here: https://kizniche.github.io/Mycodo/

No need to be lazy when someone else has already done all the work for you :D
It's the coding work I don't have time to learn/do. I wish I did though. (I haven't watched the video yet).
I think so, the github: https://github.com/kizniche/Mycodo/wiki says it was last edited by 'Kyle Gabriel' and the video is on 'Kyle Gabriels'' youtube channel and the guide has this K/M symbol at the top left so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that yes that's the same guy who made Mycodo.

But don't thank me, thanks KYLE GABRIEL lol.