Volcano Knock Off - Fuji Version 2 - Anyone Have One?


Well-Known Member
I've been looking around for a good vaporizer and I came across the Fuji Version 2. It's version 2 because apparently the first one was made out of plastic and was a total piece of crap.

So! Does anyone have the Fuji version 2 and if so how do you like it? Where do you buy supplies for it? This is one of the problems I see for this one, I can't find the manufacturer's site so can't find parts. Which also makes me think about the warranty and how would I even get it repaired.
Here's a link to it, great prices too but I wonder if it's missing stuff like it's just the core, not the bag and valves.


Oh, and does anyone know about this company, VG Wholesale? If I can't decide on the Fuji I'm getting the Silver Surfer from them, it's $100 cheaper. First I need to find out if they are going to rip me off though, gotta research the company.
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Active Member
i bought one from the same website. this is my third vapo and prob the most quality so far but it does have problems. First, the 'indicator' light is pretty much useless, you need to wait a good 5-7 min for it to heat up, also the bags are SO cheap and rip very easily. Buy back up bags for sure. Overall the fuji will def get the job done and its easy to clean, which is nice b/c vapo's will get resin build up, but id prob buy the mystfire if i had to do it all over again....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I literally just decided to just go with the Da Buddah directly from 7th Floor; it's the non-leaning, no frills, budget version of the Silver Surfer. I ordered it priority mail so hopefully it will be here before the weekend.

I figure it's the same price as the Silver Surfer from that website but that site seems a little sketchy to me. I can't find any info on them and they have their contact information hidden in their domain name registration. That smells fishy to me. If you are running a legitimate business you WANT people to contact you.

Also, I sent the wholesale place an email and they never responded so...


Active Member
i had a volcano for over a year... wasn't what it was cracked up to be. the price was extraordinarily high for the quality of the machine. I got $500 worth of use out of it (especially using vape toast for hash and edibles, doubles what you pay for!). Long story short, the volcano was laid to rest ("Office Space" printer style w/ a bat in the back yard) after the heating element no longer reached the higher temperature.

My roommate then traded a rack of his handblown headie pieces for a digital fuji vaporizer. Best purchase ever! Heating element goes above and beyond all the rest! My roommate still has it (and uses it) to this day, almost 3 years later!

Few warnings tho:
-GETS REALLY HOT, don't set above 360 or you might as well use a bong and a lighter (unlike the volcano, you can burn yourself with it, I'VE DONE IT)
-Vaporizing Chamber and clip on mouth piece set are very similar to volcano, but definitely cheaper made, so get the volcano mouth piece set instead
-Bags are Large Oven bags from the grocery store, don't spend money out the ass on bags that are $2.00 at your local grocery store

Other than those small issues, its a beautiful machine and seems to be at the top of its class. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to purchase a vaporizer.


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Well-Known Member
Hot Box is what to get. Easy to use and easy to clean. You can get replacement tubing for cheap at Home Depot. Screens you can get anywhere.

I love mine and can no longer smoke from a joint or pipe because it tastes like burning newspaper in comparison.