Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine ) importance .


Well-Known Member
Note : Thiamine and Vitamin B1 are the same thing ,

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Note : Thiamine and Vitamin B1 are the same thing ,

P.S. I am a type 2 Diabetic and am in early stages of Cirrhosis . I also have Hepatitis C ( from recreational intravenious drug use ) and Pancreatic and Liver damage due to long term alcoholism ( now not drinking ) .

I have not tried taking large doses of Thiamine but I can first get my Thiamine Blood Levels measured . The Hot Sauce I drink has good levels of Vitamin B1 but according to the second video I would have to take pill supplement to do any good ,
I can say that since I have been taking a lot of Aqueous Habanero and Aqueous Garlic Powder , my feet don't hurt , I don't get cramps in my feet or legs anymore , and my Blood Pressure in now normal , and my Blood Oxygen Saturation in very high , sometimes 99 , and 100 is perfect . It might be possible that now my Nitric Oxide is now good and that would reduce pain . I think I will try taking lower doses of Thiamine supplement and build up doseage to make sure I don't get side effects .

I got nothing to lose and everything to gain if I safely build up dosage of a pill supplement . My health has already improved greatly from creating the water soluble liqiud that floats to the top of Garlic Powder and Habanero . The Garlic Aquesous is easy to seperate , however the Habanero Sauce takes a long time to mix with water and wait for the sediment to seperate from water soluble component that floats to the top . Lately I have been taking Habenero by just putting a small amount of Habanero Sauce into 8 ounces of water so that it just taste like Black Pepper Water and it only burns a little and seems to improve my health taking the quick way . Perhaps Black Pepper is good for one's health also . Tumeric gives me a headaches . Also most other hot sauce gives me headaches , but Habanero DOES NOT give me a headache no matter how much i take .

Agent 5473 signing off

AKA Halman9000

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We had a lamb here with thiamin deficiency a few years back. Damn thing went crazy. It would run away from the other lambs - just act real strange. Stand there sometimes, staring right into a wall, or off into space. Definitely not something I want to ever experience.