Vision "Exodus Cheese" review


Active Member
Purchased seeds from herbies, received them in about 8 days!

Vision exodus cheese

I vegged for about 4 wks before I switched to 12/12.

Flowered for 64 days and still had a slight couch lock effect. The hash from it literally put me sleep a few days.

Grew in soil mixed with peri lite and gravel. Fed only using molasses and bloom from AN during flowering.

Bag appeal - 9/10
"Colorful tight nugs, dense."

Smoke - 7/10
"a slight creep effect but comes on strong and last hours. Taste is a mix between hash and sour."

Difficulty - 9/10
" very easy to grow, just watch the heat it showed signs of stress quick under the summer heat, until I fixed it ;)

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