Virtual Reality Smoke Out


Active Member
In the next few weeks I'll be making another change in my grow process. After 14 years of growing I first changed to hydroponics 5 years ago. Now after a year of research I'm ready to make another change. This change will cut my energy use at least in half (and get me well under radar). Reduce the heat signature to near zero. Reduce nutrient and water consumption. Add quantity and quality to my product.
I am currently growing in a 13X15X9.5 basement, and rotating to harvest 6 plants every 2 weeks. I am expecting to increase harvest to 6 every week and possibly 12 every week.
Sound too good to be true? Well, stick with me and I'll show you how I'll do it. I'll introduce you to Fogroponics, Diode lighting and X10. How to build your own and where to get the cheapest supplies. This is all cutting edge technology. Throw out most everything you know about growing.

But, while I'm still tweeking and updating supply and price lists. I'd like to introduce you to Virtual Reality....

I'll post a few pictures, but no words will describe virtual reality. A world built by it's players, so imagination is the only limit! AND IT SHOWS!

Completely free, small 23mb download, good PC and internet for best performance. (DSL/Cable) (PIII/32mb video and up)

All I can tell you is, it's BIG!
So big, in fact, that you will want a little help when you first get started.
Please visit and join our Yahoo Group Site for free. Our members and moderators are there to help.
second_life_chat : Second Life Community

P.S. Don't forget to add me to your inworld friends list...

Mockery Koken

