Virgin Grower in need of help and experience=)


Active Member
So here's my plan.

I have about 72"H x 105"W x 24"D space available to me. I was planning on having 3 cabinets 72"H x 34"W x 24"D each in the space with about 1"W between them. 1 cabinet for mothering, 1 for cloning, and 1 for flowering.

I want to use soil. I know hydroponics is easier, but for me I think the soil and the personal care will make the quality better than hydroponics. But me being selfish as I am, I also want a very big yield, very fast. So I had in my mind that I should make shelves in each, or maybe try a SOG approach. Am I asking too much? lol

I want to try a SOG method because people say that although the size of the plants are smaller, the cycles are faster, and the yield ends up being bigger.

Take into consideration that I live in an apartment and I want a very stealthy growth, but a large scale stealth growth. =)

I desperately need help with setting up the cabinets (you know lighting, CO2, Watering, Soil, the whole setting up process). I know how to set the shit up, but not in a cabinet. When it comes to cabinet's I am completely lost.

I want to accomplish my goal of 1000 ready at all time. Possible or Impossible? I already know the answer to the legal or not question. =)

Please help me accomplish my very, very, very greedy dream of wanting to have a lot of good quality herb.

Oh and btw. If I want to take a shortcut (easy way out =P) can I purchase a SuperCloset or a HomeGrown Hydroponic Grow Box or are they just crappy?


Well-Known Member
If your looking for a stealth grow, due to the fact you live in an apartment.
I'd stick with 3-4 plants at the most. Anything more than that will require much more money and much more care.
To do a 3-4 grow op in soil, will set you back about $800 - $1000 in start up costs.
This cost includes, a convertible ballast that you can switch from metal halide to HPS. Intake and exhaust blowers, Oscillating fan, Decent seeds, buckets, soil, and nutes. There will be a shit load of little extras that you'll need like timers, power strips, hoses, vent clamps, duct tape, etc. etc.

I'm telling you this because alot of people think that growing weed is as simple as growing tomatoes. It's not.....For instance, tomatoes are legal.
and you don't need to make a stealth grow room for tomatoes. Plus, tomatoes won't stink up the house when their budding.

Growing weed is a daily commitment that takes lot's of care, responsibility, and lot's of money. I highly suggest that you read a couple of books on growing marijuana indoors before starting anything. You might be glad you did, once you've seen how much time and money it takes to grow really good weed consistantly.


Active Member
If you set it up right, having 2/3 flower and 1/3 a mother clone cabinet, would be the most productive. Along with ebb and flow sog.


Active Member
I have books on indoor growing, but most of them are for like basement type situations. I stumbled upon the cabinet method when I got o this site and instantly fell in love. But again I'm a virgin to this. lol And like any virgin I don't want to be hurt my first time. So i need help.

I made this quick list of items needed (it's specific). And I'm wondering whether you could give me pointers as to which I need or not. And whether there are better replacements. I have most of the minimal requirements (scales, scissors, etc.) But for like the fertilizer and nutrients some are not found here, and I would have to make a journey. If you have any suggestions as to something I can find in Canada then it will make my day.

BTW thanks for the advise BongJuice and Sensay, for the seeds I have 10 Master Kush, and 10 Northern Light x Big Bud Hybrid. I got them because the Master Kush is basically oderless, and the Northern Light is a classic and with the Big Bud hybrid I will get more of it per plant. And I got 20 random seeds with the offer. Ordered them 2 weeks ago, arrived today (None CRacked!!)

600w High Pressure San Angro Lamps (HPS lamps) & system
200w- 250w Metal Halides (MH lamps)
4 foot double fluorescent light fixture
4 foot standard fluorescent bulbs
1 foot by 2 foot plastic trays (no holes)
Organic Bat Guano 20-5-5 (N-P-K) or equivalent
Seabird Guano 5-20-20 (N-P-K) or equivalent
4 inch plastic pots (square is best)
2 Gallon Pots
2 Gallon Plastic Pots
1 foot oscillating fans
Large bags of potting soil (maybe Supersoil)
Large bag of Vermiculite
Large bag of Perlite
Clonex Root Gel
Rockwool 1” by 1” cubes
Pruning Scissors
Peat Pods
Electrical Timer
Moisture Meter
Electrical pH meter
Bottle of pH Up solution
Bottle of pH Down solution
Plastic Spray Bottles
Garden thermometer (temperature & humidity)
Root Warmer
Cans of flat white paint (If I can't find the mylar)
5 Shelf Cabinets
Jiffy Pods
Negative Ion Generators
Exhaust Fans
Plastic Tags
Waterproof marking pens
Plastic cups
Exacto Knife
Bottles of rubbing alcohol
Magnifying Glass
PBC Foil, Mylar Foil
Anti-Detection Foil
Air Pumps
Carbon Coal Filter
Sound Mufflers
Insulated Air Hoses
Wooden Boards
Silicon Gel
Sockets with earth connections
150L Water Barrels
Circulation Pumps
Spray Nosel
Heating Element
Measuring Cups
Timer Switches
Measuring Tape
Stapling/Nailing Gun
CO^2 Tank
Bubbly Water
Spray Bottle
Disturbed/Distilled Water (always check pH level)
Zip-lock Bags of different sizes


Well-Known Member
OK' you said you have a place that is pretty good size for you to start your grow op.
Here's a list of guidelines that should be followed when choosing a space to grow in.
*You don't want any light to enter or leave the room.
The brightness, but especially the color of the lamps used, can draw attention from your neighbors. From the plants point of view, it's even more important that no light gets in. The hormones that trigger the process of flowering are initiated by twelve solid hours of darkness. Only if the plants are kept in total darkness for twelve hours per day will this hormone be able to initiate flowering.
*You want air to get in and out as much as possible.
Ventilation fans and some ducting may be required to expel stagnant air and replace it with fresh (CO2-rich) air that the plants use for growth. When trying to pick out a space, visualize how you will provide fresh air to the room and how you will get rid of the stale air.
*You need access to fresh water.
A nearby tap makes alot easier because growing marijuana uses alot of water. You should select a room that could be supplied with water by reasonably-sized garden hose.
*You need electricity that is grounded to the earth.
Most grow rooms have electrical sockets nearby, but for those who don't, you will have to use heavy duty extension cords to bring the electricity to the room. If the room is anywhere near unfriendly foot traffic, the cords must be discreet and undetectable.
*You need a space that is secure.
Most importantly you need a grow space that cannot be easily detected or discovered. Don't use a burglar alarm, a burglar alarm might sound like a good idea, but think about who answers these calls. A security company and probably local law enforcement are usually permitted to enter your home if an alarm is tripped. Padlocking your grow room is an effective way of keeping casual nosey people from peeking at your plants.
*Keep a low profile.
You make a conscious decision on whether to tell someone about your grow, but you also make decisions on how you conduct yourself when you are growing. Even without directly telling someone about your grow room, you may be indirectly telling people by the way you dress, drive, talk, enter your apartment, or even just taking out the trash. Basically, don't talk about growing or even mention anything about a garden. Try to stay clear from wearing clothes that signify anything that has to do with marijuana or hemp. If your vehicle has any stickers on them, get rid of them. Keep your vehicle very ordinary.
In a nutshell, you want to blend in with everyone else around you, without anyone even doubting that you get high or especially grow.

Your going to feel alot of pride and joy when you've completed your grow room. If you've put alot of effort into your grow room and produced some of the finest marijuana you've ever smoked, you deserve to be proud.
Unfortunately, because it's illegal almost everywhere, you need to keep your pride to yourself and it can be one of the hardest things to do for a beginner. Be very careful on who you tell, due to the fact that most grow room busts are made because the police were tipped off about them.