Virgin Grower Here. Any info on T5 lights?


Active Member
Hey, ive been sneaking about checking the forum for like a week now and decided to finally post. First time grower here, Plants have been growing for 5 weeks and I assume theyre doing well, but what would I know. Anyway, I see that everyone is using CFL lights. A relative gave me a 1000W Metal Halide( i think, it retails for like $500.00) I, however, went to a horticulturist store and they sold me a "T5 light fixture". guy said it was some new fangled technology and pulled a fourth of the power yet provied the same light/grwing effects as the larger 1000w i already have. anyway, does anyone know anything about these T5's? im sure the MH bulb is way better, but what of the T5? Ima post pics later tonight, I see other ppls pics of 4-5 weeks and somehow i feel mine are bigger if not bushier...or maybe im jsut crazy. anyway, thx on any info on the T5!
I just got a T5 myself (4 X 4' tubes -- 20k lumens).

I'm impressed with it so far. Its wide/long enough to where I can have about 12 plants vegging. I did notice the small seedlings would get burnt if the light was too close, once I moved it to 6" away, all was ok. It seems once they get bigger, they can handle the light more, as now some of my plants leaves are about 4 inches away and show no signs of burn.

From looking at a lot of pic's mine are very bushy as well. My node spacing is like 1/4 - 1/2 inch if that. Right now my oldest at a little over 4 weeks, is only about 8 inches tall, but super bushy (you cant even see the main stem)

I'll try to post a pic later tonight as well. I'm curious to see how mine is doing, as this is my first time, and I'm not known to have a very 'green thumb' =)

Same here. I got the four 4foot tube setup as well. Dude sold me two reddish tubes and two bluish tubes. I know one is for veging and the other for flowering so i jsut grabbed two of each and hoped for the best. i got the light almost an inch away and they're fine. theyre growing like crazy, sometimes when i get home at night they're fractions from touching the lights and i need to rasie em again. i'll post pics to show you as well. I guess its Hooray for T5 then!
i'm using the t5 just cuz the my local guy sold me on it... said that would be the best thing for the price right now for seedlings... and vegging as well... i got a cfl tho i'm gonna add to it but i'm almost two weeks in tho the grow now...
I use a t5 also. Love it. So nice and quiet. Like being able to flip the switch and turn the intensity of the lights down. Replacement bulbs are a good buy through high tech garden. You can get either straight veg or pick what you want.