Videos to watch for information


I couldn't find an real organized post of videos. so here's my List. feel free to add more,this is a team effort!

1.High Times Growers Series: Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow DVD(3 part dvd) [indoor/outdoor]

2.High Times "Ready, Set,Grow.[indoor/outdoor]

These two were the best ones for me. I found many online though,like Torrent Sites and Youtube.

On the torrent side: (isohunt:cannabis)

SeeMoreBud(decent videos,for the DEALER in you.)[Indoor]

Sea of Green()[]-i'll tell after i watch it...

"Marijuana - Professional Growroom Construction And Growing Tips"(very simple video,it's british too)[indoor]

I Grow Chronic: (good video,alot of information)[indoor]

If your interested in some Documentries:

1.Hooked. Illegal Drugs And How They Got That Way. Marijuana

2.National Geographic Explorer. Marijuana Nation

3.The Hemp Revolution

There are many more,but i liked these best.

Add your own best videos! Lets set up a Library of Videos. If you add a video,add some description to it. Its Main Idea and does it apply to indoor/outdoor. I'll Add your videos to my post,with credit : ).