Videos of police killing family pets


Well-Known Member
Some of you may have seen these before but it makes my fucking blood boil.






Well-Known Member
As a matter of unofficial policy, many police departments routinely kill dogs, even small ones, on general principles. Their logic is that they figure that the most a dog owner can recover in court is around $500, which they won’t get if there is any reason, including just police testimony, that they felt “threatened”, even by a Dachshund.

This is part of the also unofficial policy of “sue us”, when the police screw up. They smash down the wrong door and roust the people inside, there is no apology, just instructions to sue the city or agency. In any event, there are no repercussions to the police department or its officers directly.


Well-Known Member
its this kinda sh%$t that makes me have utter lack of humanity for any cop who gets killed in the line of "duty" these co#2ksuckers!


Active Member
i watched them and your right they made me fucking furious too,
i can only wish ech of the cops involved developes termnal cancer the lowlife cock suckers.
wanna kill my dog? i will find your place of residence!


Well-Known Member
i hated watching these videos. the fact that someone would kill an animal that doesnt show any kind of violence is insane. the dog was in the last bed room of the house hide for its life. my head is racing with ideas of beating the fuck out one of them or trying to save my pet or getting shot to protect. i really wouldnt mind facing bigger charges for fucken up a cop who shot a defenseless dog.
Back in 02 I had a all white British Staffordshire named mike ( after Jackson R.I.P ). At the time I was involved in some knucklehead moves and probably did deserve to have my door kicked down and home searched ( although the 4 times they did proved fruitless ). Anyhow it was around 6 p.m when they kicked my door in. Mike who was 3 at the time ran out of my front door as the police team came in. He ran right by all the cops entering that door and ran up the street scared shitless. The poor dog made it to the corner of the street and got shot by a cop in his cruiser waiting at the corner for anyone who might've ran from the house.
This dog was amazing. He listened so well. He didn't have a mean bone in his body, most lovable, loyal and just a great dog. My neighbors loved him intact he was sort of a neighborhood dog as on many occasions he would be invited over to my neighbors yard to run around with there kids who loved the dog, and everyone knew him from the corner store owner ( free biscuits ) to the guy who owned the laundromat where we spend Friday mornings doing laundry :-(. Even members of the vice and gang units in my city knew the dog by name as he was always by my side. I miss em lots. Getting teary eyed thinking about him. I heard the 4 shots and knew exactly what happened.
Worst of all and its sort of a good thing just senseless is that there were no charges brought against me or my roommate and a judge even warned the police that 4 raids on one suspect without any contraband " was encroaching on harassment ". Encroaching really W.T.F... 1 dead dog, 6 new doors, 4 nights of threats and cheap shots, well over 10 court appearances, and the ugly looks from people who love to see a brother in cuffs... all for what ???? Not a damn thing, not a gram, not a oz, not even a drop of residue or anything. Grrr. Thanks for hearing me vent RIU.
Ohh through all that I'm still a true hippy stoner cause I don't hate the popo. I have quite a few close friends who are troopers and city cops. Its neutral that some, a true minority just have no respect for the community or anyone at all. They have a tough job to do I get that and I currently work with mentally challenged individuals who become violent at times so I know how they feel at times but they should have the insight to make good and right decisions.


Well-Known Member
The fucking pigs come into my home and threaten my dog, i'll light those fuckers up with my bushmaster -real talk. Nobody gonna tell me what i can and can't smoke, and NOOO pig will hurt my dog !!!


Active Member
Fucking assholes! Who the fuck do they think they are? If they honestly thought the dogs were a threat, why couldn't they have used pepper spray? So they shot up the house with buckshot flying all over the place because of a fucking dog?
Fucking pigs wanted to kill my rotty once only because they chased a stolen car into my driveway and thought the guy was in the house. (He wasn't ran around the house to his home 2 houses over) Long story, but if I had not been right there between them and my dog, she would have been killed! Fucking cops need to be restrained. And to think they used this amount of force because of a pot pipe in one instance and a bag of weed... Fucking amazing!


Well-Known Member
The fucking pigs come into my home and threaten my dog, i'll light those fuckers up with my bushmaster -real talk. Nobody gonna tell me what i can and can't smoke, and NOOO pig will hurt my dog !!!
I feel ya, but seriously????? YOU are gonna take on the police? That has NEVER ended well for ANYONE............EVER! lol! I love cannabis and I feel the exact same way as you regarding people telling me what I can or can't put in my body, but you can't win. We take the risk to grow, knowing that our doors can be kicked in at any moment. We know we could lose our homes, our cars, our families! Apparently now they can shoot our pets too. It's a sad state of affairs but these risks come with the territory. If you can't do prison time or don't want your dog capped or home confiscated, maybe growing isn't for you.;-)