Video and close up pics of girls 2 weeks into flower, white widow and white castle


Active Member
This is my first grow. I started with 10 seeds and ended up killing 6 of them.
I started in soil and made every noob mistake possible lol...

I then transplanted my 4 seedlings into DWC only because I hated not having control of whats going on and not being able to fix my mistakes quickly enough to save my girls. Anyways I love DWC and will never look back. Just my opinion because it works for me.

These are now my girls 2 weeks into flower they are growing like crazy. I'm LST them right now to control them as they are growing quicker then I epected and will be touching my ceiling if I don't do something.

Im using general hydroponics 3 part nutrients along with Big Bud and Bud candy from Advanced.

For lighting Im using 400 HPS cooltube along with a 400 MH light which I just started using last week.

Right before flowering I cloned my girls. I now have 4 clones flowering and 2 clones in there own room for mothers. After this harvest I will start SOG.

I'm not sure which girls are the white castle or white widow I got them mixed up when they were all in soil. :/



Active Member
Thanks! Yes true true you do learn from your mistakes... Just seems DWC is easy to fix my mistakes. ha


Active Member
Love the setup man. That video looks hella damn good from a cell phone ! Good luck the rest of the way.