Very weak light green new growth.. Any ideas?


Active Member
Currently got 4 x kush mints x zkittlez and 4 lemon tree.. All grown in tropic mix soil (uk brand) with ecothrive charge and ecothrive life cycle added at half stength as a soil amendment

Im 3 weeks in from clone and the kushmints is looking way off

The new growth is pale green and very weak

Upto now ive only give them 1 half strength feed

This went in at 0.8 ec and my soil run off came out at 2.7

Ph in at 6.5

Run off ph 6.3

Am i right in thinking that there highly overfed

The bigger leaves look pretty dark green and all the new growth is pale yellow

Im thinking the added amendments might of made my soil too hot

Watered again today with a bit of cal mag and some very weak nutrient solution

Went in at 0.8 ec

Run off came out at 2.2

With these numbers and going by the pics below does this look like the start of nute burn/lockout.?

Room temp




2 x zeus 600wat pros

900mm distance at 50 % power20201123_153622.jpg20201123_153604.jpg20201123_153546.jpg20201123_153557.jpg

Currently at 530ppfd


Well-Known Member
Do you water with lots of run off? You could try flushing the soil and don’t pH the water, you may have acidified the soil.


Active Member
Do you water with lots of run off? You could try flushing the soil and don’t pH the water, you may have acidified the soil.
I aim for about 10% run off mate... My tap water comes out the tap at around about 8.2 ph where i live so i tend to drop it down to 6.5


Well-Known Member
If you put in 0.8 and it comes out at 2.2 then you have too much nutrients and salts in there. Do a big flush until it comes out around the same that you put in. I would flush it with non pH water, and then for the final flush/water you can set the pH to your desired and even add 1/4 strength nutrients. And then wait.


Active Member
If you put in 0.8 and it comes out at 2.2 then you have too much nutrients and salts in there. Do a big flush until it comes out around the same that you put in. I would flush it with non pH water, and then for the final flush/water you can set the pH to your desired and even add 1/4 strength nutrients. And then wait.
Flushed it out.. Ec went in at 0.8.. Now coming out at 1.0

Big improvement from 2.2 earlier in the day

Adjusted the ph on the last run down to 6.5.. Run off came out at 7.0 which im hoping wont be to much of an issue

Thanks for the advice hopefully i caught it early enough

Fingers crossed thats sorted it.


Well-Known Member
I think it’s going to be great, as long as your soil doesn’t suffer from over watering after the flushing.

So you are in soil and you are aiming for such a low pH? Here’s a pic of my plant that I was adding pH down to, and eventually realized it didn’t like it, I acidify the soil and cause lockout. 2910FABA-DCAF-4F1E-A79F-431FF6DA18E3.jpeg You see the outer edges of the leafs turning yellow.

I would consider looking into pH and soil and stop pH downing.

You could also test the pH of the run off and see what’s it says. many will argue, but look how the EC run off test showed us clues.


Well-Known Member
No need to ph in soil. Just use that tap water. Feed then water then feed then water..repeated til harvest. Don't let your pots sit in any runoff.