Very specific LED questions in need of answers


Active Member
I have been interested in growing with LEDs for some time and after doing some research decided to finally go through and order some and attempt to wire up an array of my own. Nevertheless it took quite a while for them to arrive and had become invested in some other things by then so just now getting around too wiring it up. So thats where my questions come in, forgive me if these have been answered elsewhere on these forums, I have done alot of researching and being that I couldn't find any posts specifically answering my questions hopefully someone here can.

Before I ask the questions I'll give you a quick summary of what I'm trying too accomplish. I have 6 deep red 660nm 5w LEDengin leds, and 6 blue 5 watters as well. Looking to build an array, and possibly make it so I can switch from having 6 red and 3 blue on for flowering and vice versa for vegging. So on to the questions.

1) I've read alot about LED drivers and power supplys to some confusion... Would mostly like to know what would be the most efficient use of power supply/drivers to run all 12, and if it would be possible to run all of them off of a single power supply/driver. Along with what specs I would be looking for in said supply/driver.

2) Would I be better off running all 12 LEDs constantly, or would there be benefit in reducing the amount of light to 9 LEDs in exchange for having the contrast of 2:1 blue light for vegging and vice versa for flowering?

3) Depending on the answer to question 2, would also like to know if there would be a way too wire my array so I could easily switch from a 6red 3blue flowering mode to a 6blue 3red vegging mode.

Thank you very much for your input, really just want to make sure I do everything right when I'm wiring these little babies up.

BONUS QUESTION) I've read around about benefits of adding possibly just a single CFL to your LED panel for some light in other helpful bandwidths... Any thoughts on that would also be appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
I know the diodes should not be driven to full capacity. From my research this will fry your chipset quickly. You also probably need more power as curly mentioned. I use lights that have spectrum control and it works. I turn on just the blue/white specs for the first two weeks, then full spectrum until the last two weeks when I go all red. Hope this helps. Good luck