very slow purple power flowering HELP!


Active Member
My plant has been flowering for 20 days with almost no results. Unfortunately it was put on my balcony for 2 days woith no sun and water at all. It is in my croom under hps 10/14. Unforunately my computer was shining on it for several mnore hours but i put a bblanket in fron of the plant and I hope it`s ok now



Well-Known Member
th ats a strange lookin plant bro ya gotta giveit time ta flower hwever i agree there should be a little more result after 20 days i think the light of the computer has been keepin ya girl up betta watch she doesnt moff out on ya.

mr west

Well-Known Member
make sure theres no light leaks dude that will slow down budding and sometimes stop it altogether. they need total darkness for 12 hours for it to work