Very quick question

Hi all! I'm starting my first mini indoor soon (PC Grow Box: 4 100w CFL's, 1 intake + 1 outtake 120mm fans, LST and/or SCROG). This will be my first time!

I wanted to know what's the best strain in terms of plant size, yield, THC content, and especially noob-friendliness (if it's easy to care for, etc.)

I'm looking for an indica strain, because I read they're more of a couchlock high (it will be for smoking at night, when I'm on the computer), plus they're smaller.

Any suggestions welcome, especially if they're from first hand experience!

(Oh, and is my setup ok? should I get 1 big CFL instead of 4 small ones? 3 fans instead of 2?)

Thankkkks and happy blazing!


Well-Known Member
Your biggest issue in your box is gonna be heat, I've experimented in a pc box before and had a hell of a time keeping temps below 83 with 3 23watt cfls.
Its definitely possible but my advice to you would be get as much exhaust and intake and a fan or two inside the box wouldn't hurt just as long as you can keep the air moving.

As far as strain, i'd go for short rider, They tend to stay small. I've never grown this strain myself but seen alot of reviews about the size.

You will definitely have to LST quite a bit, and if you can go to walmart and get one of those shoe box plastic tubes. They fit perfect into a standard Pc case.

Too be honest unless you get lucky or know what you are doing quite well, (hours of research, Previous growing experience) don't get your hopes up about yeild. Its gonna come out airy and small with your CFLs in the Grow box BUT it'll be some of the best smoke and will get you the highest you've been, BECAUSE YOU GREW IT. Guarantee it.

I remember my first harvest, Looked like shit, Tasted like shit, Airy as shit, But got me higher than i ever have been. Just the little endorphin rush of "I grew this shit man" makes the high 1000 times better.

Good luck.