Very low humidity, please help


Hey everyone, I have super low humidity in the room where I'm growing (16%-20%) and I hear this can pose a problem. Would getting a cheap humidifier from Wal-mart bring up my humidity to an ideal number? Or are there any other cheap options to bring it up enough? thanks.


Active Member
Some people believe in the old water in an glass way. I think it kind of depends on the size of the place your growing in. If your talking a cabinet grow, id try the water. If its anything bigger I would just fork the coin over for a humidifier.


Yes a humidifier would work but may not be necessary. Just spraying the leaves will help. Don't know how big your room is but if its small just hang a damp towel in there. I've Also seen those co2 generating cloths at the hydro supply store. One of those may raise humidity and produce co2.


I'll keep that in mind too, thanks. I thought spraying the leaves can burn the them and in flower can cause mold?


Well-Known Member
The cheap humidifier is your best bet. The other methods described herein will only cause your rh to go up by 1-2 percentage points whereas a humidifier, even an inexpensive one, will raise your rh by at least 10 points assuming your grow room is nearly sealed. Mold likes high humidity and cool temps to grow.

banks dank

Active Member
The cheap humidifier is your best bet. The other methods described herein will only cause your rh to go up by 1-2 percentage points whereas a humidifier, even an inexpensive one, will raise your rh by at least 10 points assuming your grow room is nearly sealed. Mold likes high humidity and cool temps to grow.

X2 there like 20 bucks go get one


Well-Known Member
I don't use one, I'm perfectly happy in my dry little desert. Funny I just made this video which is related to having no humidity year round!


Active Member
you could get one of those cheapo $20 humidifiers as suggested, even those misters for colds...
OR if on a budget, simple foil pie pans or trays with filled with water actually work pretty good for raising the humidity locally around plants...
trust me, I've done it for years while living out west
edited to add: I'm at 30-40% and if anything my plants look damn happy; not sure what the "Experts" say at <30% but I'm not seeing any issues >30%


Well-Known Member
High humidity for veg
Low humidity for bud.

From what I've been told
that's as complicated as it needs to be.

I'm buying a dehumidifier as my first priority on a lump sum of cash I'm expecting
then a 2nd ventilated reflector.

Growing has turned me into a proper consumer!!!!
I LOVE checking out the different equipment and trying to decide what I'd like

I'm not bothering with a humidifier.
I'll just spray pure rain water to increase RH during Veg
(earlier the veg - higher the humidity)

Dr Smith

Active Member
I was @ 19%. Got a humidifier....45% constant. My babies r thanking me for it.
This depends on how big your room is!! A cheap humidifier will do almost nothing in a big room. Our humidity up here is in the 18-20% range as well. I got a wild hair about it one day and bought a cheap humidifier. The end result was on average +1%. Total waste of time and energy.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I have super low humidity in the room where I'm growing (16%-20%) and I hear this can pose a problem. Would getting a cheap humidifier from Wal-mart bring up my humidity to an ideal number? Or are there any other cheap options to bring it up enough? thanks.
Wait a min before you buy a humidifier. Are you testing without plants in room or with. Once you introduce plants to the environment your humidity will rise. Just in case your only in setup phase I wanted to save you some coin. Otherwise fork over the cash for a humidifier