Very light Green leaves ! Soil vs Hempy Grow


Hello, So I am doing a Soil vs Hempy grow. I have 3 strains, all auto. Critical jack, Vertigo and La divia. The plants are 2 weeks old, under 400w hps light and on an 18/6 rotation. The hempy seems to be growing very well but the CJ is getting very light green compared to the soil one. The other 2 in the hempy aren't to bad. I feed the hempy (Coco) everyday with canna coco nutes, I'm using Canna A + B and Rhizo. Any info would be nice.



IMG_1009.jpg <- soil left hempy right
IMG_1010.jpg <- CJ Hempy IMG_1011.jpg <- CJ soil IMG_1013.jpg <- HempyIMG_1014.jpg <- Soil