Very First Grow


I inherited a brown thumb from my mother so I doubt my ability to even grow weeds.

I had a feminized SD sprout dropped on my lap by my sister. With nothing other than the cup she gave it to me in and the measly CFL by my bedside to light it I kept it alive exactly one week. The husband named her Buddy. My toddler got a hold of her and mangled her but she bounced back. I was finally able to get adequate housing and lighting only to find the cat ate her the morning after (just when I started building her new home). Other than some (what I know now) serious stretching she looked good so I decided to try to sprout some bag seed.

That was a disaster. Nothing split. Things got moldy and in the meantime the uber cool stealth rubbermaid box I was making wasn't coming along as nicely as the tutorials I found online. I was pulling my hair out in frustration.

Then I found a thread on here suggesting a heating pad. Low and behold it worked! The two seeds I had left cracked! Then I found another thread about ghetto grows and saw an awesome U-Haul box rig and had to try it. I have an XL box to get my seed going in and a wardrobe box to finish it in. It works a hell of a lot better then the crazy fancy crap I was trying to make. Only one seed actually broke through the surface and is doing well.

Considering my past growing experience I am very proud of myself. So excited in fact that I plan to plant a garden this year. Themed gardens seem to be popular and I like the idea of a "salsa garden". The kids can get in on this too and learn something.

I'm sure with my luck it'll be a male, but for now Sprout is doing well. I hope to learn how to clone from him/her.

I have two 26 watt daylight CFLs on it now and try to keep the box between 70 and 75 degrees.

I have been reading a lot but I am primarily a visual learner so having Sprout is helping a lot. And hey, if anyone has good salsa recipes or zone 5 gardening tips I would greatly appreciate it!

