Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!


Active Member

Started from the bottom and is slowly moving up. 4 weeks into flowering and i dont know what it is. help...


Well-Known Member
Same situation over here!
4 weeks into flowering and my leaves are browning,yellowing and dying off.

I was told that it's just the cycle of flowering.Less nitrogen and more phosphourous.


Active Member
Im only having that problem with one plant. Its starting to get more and more so im getting kinda worried.


Well-Known Member
What kind of nutrients are you guys using? Do you ph?

Without knowing anything other then that picture I think you have a pottassium defficieny.

Heres a link to the growfaqs, that shows all the defficencies with pictures. Tell me what you think. GROWFAQ

Best of luck to both of you <3

Willy Nilly

Active Member
That leaf ( to me) looks like a leaf that comes from the underside of the plant that doesn't get enough light. I could get you a pic of a leaf with the same look with no problem. Can you say where the leaf came from? Lower, middle, or top of canopy?
leaves usually take on that look in flowering.


Well-Known Member
No its not norml..but it's not going to die check your soil ph and if its ok and you havent fed nutes in a week or so add some nutes...0-10-10 or whatever what are soil temps?


Well-Known Member
Check your room temp if nothing else works cause i just went through heat stress with my plants and the leaves looked almost identical My temps got up to 93 started out as little black spots some turned brown and a lot of black crept out. It was not my ph as it stayed 6.5 and i am growing aerponicaly. Now my temps are under control all is great and green


Active Member
The temp is about 79-80. i dont know if thats too hot but like i said before it is the only one of my plants doing that. mine didnt start out as black spots but little white or yellow spots. i dont know. its not affecting the bud any so i guess it will be ok. for now.


Well-Known Member
Is it nute burn?
My temps stay at 75F..
Soil and water ph is fine.
I feed them the fox farms nutes.
It all started after i fed them the nitrogen nutes.


Active Member
Potassium Deficiency, I would recommend you head to your local grocery store and pick up a bottle of unsulphured molasses, probably $3 or so. Blackstrap molasses is preffered but any of the others will do. Its loaded with potassium and should fix your problem along with boosting your bud size a bit. Water your plants with 1 1/2 tbsp molasses per 1 gallon water about every week.
