Vertical Limit: my biggest dilemma


Active Member
Hello all, I think I have an interesting challenge with only 6 vertical feet of space, I would be so appreciative of any thoughts or suggestions. I have grown before, but never with anything as powerful as 1000w HPS lights. Is 6 feet enough room? Here is the setup that I have so far.

A nice big room,:-P with a height of 6 ft:sad:.

Of that area I would like to have a light coverage of about 60 sq ft.

I plan to start with 32 plants, and grow them in a ScrOG style. I am growing from seeds. I will germ and veg. them with 1 1000w MH light which I will fan and vent. When I start to flower them I would like to add another 1000w light and change both bulbs to broad spectrum HPS. I will have a small air conditioner cooling the room, as well as an exhaust system from the reflectors.

I will be growing a high yield Chimera strain, and I would like for my plants to get big and bushy, but I fear that 6 feet will not be enough space to let them really go, and not get burned. What are the major flaws in my plan?
Would it be better to leave the screen out of it? So I will be able to more easily take out the males? And also have more flexibility in positioning the plants?

Would 2 600w lights be a better option given my vertical space limits? Light movers? I just am very unsure, I would love to hear any thoughts about my plan. If all works out, I promise to post fotos of the buds.

Thanks, WiiToke:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I think I have an interesting challenge with only 6 vertical feet of space, I would be so appreciative of any thoughts or suggestions. I have grown before, but never with anything as powerful as 1000w HPS lights. Is 6 feet enough room? Here is the setup that I have so far.

A nice big room,:-P with a height of 6 ft:sad:.

Of that area I would like to have a light coverage of about 60 sq ft.

I plan to start with 32 plants, and grow them in a ScrOG style. I am growing from seeds. I will germ and veg. them with 1 1000w MH light which I will fan and vent. When I start to flower them I would like to add another 1000w light and change both bulbs to broad spectrum HPS. I will have a small air conditioner cooling the room, as well as an exhaust system from the reflectors.

I will be growing a high yield Chimera strain, and I would like for my plants to get big and bushy, but I fear that 6 feet will not be enough space to let them really go, and not get burned. What are the major flaws in my plan?
Would it be better to leave the screen out of it? So I will be able to more easily take out the males? And also have more flexibility in positioning the plants?

Would 2 600w lights be a better option given my vertical space limits? Light movers? I just am very unsure, I would love to hear any thoughts about my plan. If all works out, I promise to post fotos of the buds.

Thanks, WiiToke:leaf:
I would leave the screen... But you do point out an interesting dilemma: you'll still have to sex the plants, which means that you'll be undoing a lot of your hard work.

The solution is of course to be patient, and grow some mother plants. Grow out your plants as you normally would (without the screen), and start flowering as soon as they are of a decent size. Sex them as soon as they start to show identifying characteristics, and then toss the males. Cut up the females you do have (to clone), and repot them into your now empty pots. You can reuse the soil if you're doing a soil grow, so no worries. THEN start the SCroG. Problem solved, though it will add a bit of time to your grow.

Switching out for two 600w seems a bit of overkill when you've already invested in a dual 1000w ballast kit. Light movers are unnecessary, and really only helps people in large spaces who need more coverage horizontally.

Hope that helps?
Good growin'.


Active Member
Thanks Ethno,

That seems like a really good idea, but The extra waiting is a pain (but nessisary to achieve good ScrOG results). Of course I wouldn't have to cut up all the girls to make the clones, right? I have another room that I could use for them. But all the rooms are 6 ft high. Also, I have not yet bought the lights. Of course I would like 1000w lights, but is 6 ft. going to prohibit me from achieving optimal results with 1000w lights?
