Venus Fly Traps! lol


Active Member
mmmm so i was just thinking... To stop little bugs from eating my plants... why not get a plant that eats the little buggers. lol it would flourish under the cosy humid bright conditions!!!!!... they are the second most bad ass plants around

for people that dont know what they are (damn you!) check this

yeah yeah yeah i know there are other ways to kill flys, but given my now greenfingers, its more fitting huh?!


Well-Known Member
Well why not give it a try. It would be an interesting addition to the grow room.


I'm growing those too, they will die under an hps. need high high humidity all the time (they thrive in swamps...). They like low light. and most insects you need to worry about are too small to set off the triggers in a venus fly trap.


Active Member
yeah i got a 250w cfl. well they only cost a few british queens.. so i will be off to the shops. cant hurt trying eh. I just think its a very fun solution. And of course not a very efficient one...but hey!...note i will by bug strips to


Well-Known Member
i love the idea. i had some venus fly traps.. about 8 of them, but i killed them due to either lowering their humidity over feeding not enough light all around too much fukin around. of course there was only like 3 little pots of them, but everything u go past like 5 or 7 stems+mouthes it becomes a new plant.
i get them $5 a piece, wallmart =D (if anyone is good at caring for them id like to see how to do it. ACTUALLY WAIT maybe i didnt kill mine at all. maybe they went into hibernation and i acted like i didnt know they did that... i forget it was monthes ago. :(


Active Member
Its in! And now i realise i know nothing about growing them. some googling is needed.
Its called Vince btw. Vince the venus fly trap.