
trichlone fiend

New Member
...imo, you should get an aircooled hood to help with heat control. Pull your new air from the bottom of your room, and vent your room from the top (heat raises) is something you might find helpful, view image
room setup.jpg...some people put their fan before the aircooled hood....either or does fine.


Loving that picture :)

Are there any issues with putting the filter to the left of the light (i.e. between light and fan).
Also, what are the fire dangers with these air cooled hoods (and attached ducting)?


Well-Known Member
if you dont get a vented hood or cool tube and use a can fan to cool it you will be able to cook a pizza in that room. the cheapest way would be a cooltube but a hood is better at directing the light. if you dont vent from outside your house you will be creating neg pressure in your home. that will cause your central air to work alot more than it needs to which will waste money. so my suggestion is to get atleast a a 4in can fan, a 6 would be more than enough and have it so its pulling in air from outside your houst pushing it through light then into attic or back outside. triclhone fiend idea will work but it will create that dreded neg pressure in you house and if you dont get a filter for the exhaust fan you will be pumping your stink out into the world to smell.


You can use a pyrex tube and homemake a cool tube light fixture for pretty cheap. Pyrex baking tubes go for 25$ on fleabay. You can use a 3" marine 12v bilge fan and pc power supply for 120cfm of airflow. Wrap the fan in foam insulation and fasten to pyrex fixture. You can build a $10 carbon filter with scott towels and carbon from Walmart. Cheap enough for you?


Active Member
fuuuck yea yo that was the shit!!! dont understand this part tho.(You can use a 3" marine 12v bilge fan and pc power supply for 120cfm of airflow)??


Well-Known Member
fuuuck yea yo that was the shit!!! dont understand this part tho.(You can use a 3" marine 12v bilge fan and pc power supply for 120cfm of airflow)??
boats have fans to cool the pump bilge so go to a boat supply and get that fan. then find a junk computer and take out the power supply and use it to power the fan. simple