Venting or exhaust?

Hi guys and gals, need help on a problem and trying to figure out the best idea. Recently moved and set up my garage. I have four 1000w lights in a sealed room. With 2 lights on and everything running( co2 exc). Temp is hitting 83 or 84 degrees. I'm kinda stuck, normally I would just run one of my ac units into it but I don't have room. My room is 16ft x7ft wide and it's built inside my garage.


Well-Known Member
Id exhaust out a hole cut one if u can connect the hoods and just exhaust that so it still stays sealed so u can run co2 amd co2 will allow a lil bit higher of temps


Well-Known Member
Do you have vented hoods? Is there attic space above your garage? When you say AC, what kind do you have? mini split, window unit, stand up etc. Also do you have a fan blowing over your canopy? Pull the air out of the hoods, exhaust it outside or into the attic space, also mini splits take up very lil room inside, the bigger unit sits outside. If all else fails atleast get an oscilating fan over the canopy, with co2 your not that bad in the low 80's like Danno mentioned.
Ya my ac units are all 5 ton. I don't have an attic space but I do have good shades. Right now they're only 3 days old but in the day or two I want to put full lights on. Thanks for your input, got this one covered