Venting about roommates + power bill + mess

what uup

Active Member
Alright soo I'll try and sum this up fairly short.

I live with 2 other blades we'll say A and B, and A has a girlfriend. The gf has her own apt. but only visits it roughly once a week to get clothes or w/e, rest of the time she is here. Not such a big deal right.

Well roommate A also leaves AT LEAST 1 light on his room all day, even when he's gone. I asked him to be mindful of it and he said I need to quit bitchin. Also when he and the gf eat, they leave their plate wherever they are sitting with whatever food on it they didn't eat (I'm sitting at a table full of pancakes and syrup right now). They leave pots and pans for at least 24-48 hours before finally deciding to clean them, and then run the water continuously while scrubbin AND THEN load them in the dishwasher (they weren't clean enough?). In addition he leaves light on around the place and turns on more than he needs, etc. He is by far the least energy conscience person I know. To put the icing on the cake, this morning (my only morning I don't have 8:00 AM class) him and his girlfriend start yelling in the living room at 8:30 and wake me up.

So today the power bill came, and its fucking $318! For a 3 BR apartment!

Last year I had an apt. in the same area and paid roughly $150-175 a mo.

When we all sat down and went over the bill, I politely suggested going 4 ways on the bill since 4 people were living here. And that just set it all off into a downward spiral which resulted in a heated verbal argument and we've avoided each other since.

*Ok, so I know this is far from being short but I had a lot to vent, smoking a bowl now just trying to mellow out.*

what uup

Active Member
Yeah man I always turn his light off for him, but I really can't keep up with it. And I didn't enjoy the bowl as much as I would have liked, so I'm loading another one while I browse RIU.


New Member
haha i c well then say since u use the most u can pay the most or get the other room mate on ur side and then tell him cause it aint fair and if he doesnt like it then say no ones holdin u back from living here


Well-Known Member
From what it sounds like, I think that is totally justifiable to split the bill 4 ways. I am in a similar situation, except I'm the girlfriend (yeah that sounds weird typing it too) in your scenario but I'm not over at my girlfriend's house 6+ days a week. But I made an agreement with her roomates that if it felt like a "4th roomate" situation that I would be responsible for a fair share of electricity etc. It sounds like you and your roomates (excluding the girlfriend, just the people that actually pay rent) need to sit down have a discussion on what you expect of them. Not in a demanding way, but if they are making the messes they need to be cleaning them up simple as that. You aren't a maid that needs to be turning off lights and cleaning up dishes after them.

putrid retch

Active Member
My wife is exactly the same way with turning on lights. She could walk into a room at noon...brighter than hell in there & flicks the light on!! Drives me absolutely nuts!!:wall:
I always ask her if she had a problem with 'darkness' when she was little, but she said no, just 'force-of-habit' turning on the light. Now we live in a fairly large house...4 br/3 ba, wet bar, sauna, 2-car garage, my office, central vacuum [just plug the hose into the wall], 2600 sq ft. Plus we live on a golf course & everyone is OLD!! Makes my 54 yr old ass feel like a spring-chicken.
Needless to say, our energy bill each month is $250, so if you just received 1 for over $300, you must be shittin bricks!! If I were you, I'd have a 'sit-down' with everyone concerned & lay down some ground rules. Let them all know that the wastefulness has GOT to stop or you'll be in the market for some new roommates.
I've lived from a house full of chicks as having my very own now married with a teenage son. Having a family is #1, but #2 was living alone. You know anything left out...or having to clean the bathroom, is just from YOU!! Makes clean-up a bit more tolerable.
Best of luck to you!! ;-):bigjoint:


New Member
If the girlfriend is spending all of her time at your apartment she owns more that a chunk of electric bill. I think she needs to be pitching in for everything. There is a difference between her visiting her boyfriend there and freeloading off of you others.

Hell she probably cheaps out on her roommates arguing that she's never there.


stays relevant.
My power bill is regularly over $500 a month, for a one bedroom apartment. Tell your room mates to shut the fuck up.

what uup

Active Member
Thanks for all the positive replies. His response was that he will just start going to her place more and I chuckled because that still doesn't pay this bill eh? The sad thing is I was better friends with roommate A than B when we moved in, but now the other way around.

I'll try and organize a sit down, but I already know how it's gonna go. I/we aren't going to get a single dollar from her and roommate A certainly isn't going to cover her 1/4.

It would be more than a pain in the ass for me to move, especially considering I've only been here 1.5 months, but I'll save that to a last resort.

I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, roommate B is on my side but is kinda pussy (to be blunt) so I don't know how to get some $ from that bitch.


New Member
Dude if it's like that after only a month and a half, it's only going to get worse. You and the other roommate should either kick him out and replace him or you should get out and find a new place.


Active Member
where do you live? my brother lives in orlando florida and goes to ucf. your situation sounds exactly like his. Three roommates but everyones girlfriends are always there so its like having six people living there, but bills are only split three ways lol.

what uup

Active Member
where do you live? my brother lives in orlando florida and goes to ucf. your situation sounds exactly like his. Three roommates but everyones girlfriends are always there so its like having six people living there, but bills are only split three ways lol.

Wow that must get pretty packed in the kitchen. At least they all have girlfriends though so they can't complain about each others'.

I'm in gainesville going to UF, go gators baby!

EDIT- Damn they just picked up a sack and went to her place for the night. If they would just do that 1/2 the time I would be significantly less pissed. Oh yeah and who's high as a kite right now...mehehehe :).

putrid retch

Active Member
Dude if it's like that after only a month and a half, it's only going to get worse. You and the other roommate should either kick him out and replace him or you should get out and find a new place.
I agree....& to the dude who's paying $500/month utility bill for a 1 br apt, holy shit!! That's a helluva lot of jack for electricity!! Good lord, dude, do you live in either the Amazon & that's the AC bill or Antarctica & that's the heating bill. :-P
Either 1, that's way too much. NC is expensive. CO was cheap. I think my biggest bill was like $40/month. They'd mostly be around $18-$22. Of course, we're talking 25 yrs ago, but I can't see it going up 1000%. :shock:


Well-Known Member
I can,... but check out this story:
Not too long ago we had a few friends come to our house asking to stay the night... was fine no big deal, we know their family pretty good.... it was like the 20th of the month or something. Then after they stayed the night (our friends little sister, and her boyfriend that her family doesn't like) they asked to stay until the end of the month saying that they didn't have anywhere else to go. So of course we said sure, and at the same time we were a little short on cash to do a few things so I said, yeah well you guys can stay until the first of the month after that to give you some time to find a place (as this girls boyfriends parents were rich, and gave him lots of dough all the time), they offered to pay rent, 250 + utilities for the month. The month turned into three... and they are like little kids, never clean up after themselves, don't even know how to do dishes, does nothing but smoke herb and spend parents cash.... well, they paid 150 the first month 250 the second month and 150 the third month.... and they ate about 600-700 dollars worth of our food the whole time they were there, and smoked a bunch of our ganja with us (though thankfully they never stole any), made huge messes of our house, brought a destructive crazy little dog into my house, and stuck me with a 450 dollar pge bill when it was normally 100 a month it had jumped to 250 + imediately after they moved in.... used our cable internet, tv, phone (all the time), set bad examples for my kids, etc. etc. once they ate all that food, and left me with that pge bill (they didn't pay any for utilities in all the three months) I kicked them out.


Well-Known Member
1st of all, if that gf is round ur place most of the time using up ur shit then tell her to contribute. i mean, ok if shes round few times a week and just sits there, then far enough, but if shes round there every night, takin showers, using her hair dryer etc then u need to tell her to chip in.

also, ur room mate is abit of a douche. i cant stand ppl who leave lights on when there not in use. i try and save as much as i possibly can. i dont mind if someone is using the energy, just as long as there not wasting it.

u should tell ur room mate he should be paying most of that elec bill bcoz he fucks around not turning his shit off.

its only gonna get worse if u dont tell em how it is. otherwise i would get out.


New Member
Then they bought a bag of weed and didn't even stick around and share any of it with you. :o Shit, I'd tell that little bitch she isn't welcome there anymore.

EDIT- Damn they just picked up a sack and went to her place for the night. If they would just do that 1/2 the time I would be significantly less pissed. Oh yeah and who's high as a kite right now...mehehehe :).


Well-Known Member
I would have been pissed the first time roommate A told me to stop bitching. I think I would have told him to sit down and have a discussion with me right then and there or there was going to be a problem. then who knows what would happen from there, but all I can say is roommate A would have been giving me money or I'd be taking it and moving out.


Well-Known Member
yeah... I took a really nice bike, a tv, and a few other things from the old roommates that I had to kick out, because I knew they would never pay up.
Edit: Told him strait up I was taking it, and that he couldn't have it back until they had paid their share of the bills they had accrued... haven't heard from either of them since... shrugs... sucks to lose friend over stupid shit like that...