Veging time interval and CFLS best color set up


Hi all,

Some people say if you are growing with CFLs on veggin state you should only use 6500k lamps other people say that you should have at least one 2700k on vegin, like lets say 3 6500k and one 1 2700k ( of course it depends on the growing space but consider a reason of 1/4 of ure lamps being 2700k )

And the opossite for flowering

So should I keep only 6500k for vegging or have one 2700k on the middle of them?

Also, some people think that 24h of light during veg will stress the plant, but since CFLs are not as strong as HID lights will this still be true? I'm currently running 20/4 ( I fell that it might be better this instead of 18/6 )

I grow on a pc growbox. 3 CFLs 2x 6500k 1x 2700k. Plants are not even one week old....
