Vegging outside for the first 3 weeks before moving indoors


Active Member
I have 4 plants that have been vegging outside for 2.5 weeks (started from seed on July 15). I usually grow indoors for both veg and flower, but this time I was re-doing my light set up and decided to get a head start by sprouting the seeds outside for a few days while I finished re-doing my lights. But I got busy and a few days lead to a few weeks. I will finally finish the lights today (hopefully) or by the weekend at the very latest.

I was wondering if I will have any issues when I bring them indoors. Will I have a problem with pests? I had a huge problem with pests my last grow and I am trying to avoid the same problem for this grow. Oh and my plants are about 4-5 inches right now. Any advice would be helpful! Thanks in advanced!


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be an issue.

Use a loupe/magnifying glass at the underside of the leaves and check for mites and webs before bringing them indoors.

As a proactive measure, use a mixture of Dove dishsoap and water, and mist all the leaves (both top and bottom) with the solution. Leave on 20 mins, then mist with just plain pH'd water.

Do this twice, let them dry off, then bring them in.

After that, check daily for infestations.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice spek.

I have heard of the dishsoap + water trick, but never tried it. Do you know if it will work with "eco friendly" dishsoap, the one made with plant based formula?