Vegetable Juice For Cannabis?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I was wondering if anyone has ever used vegetable or fruit juice to feed their plants. I'm sure it has been done before, but I cant find anything on it. Vegetables and fruits have such a complex nutrition profile, and wasn't sure if the plants can utilize those nutrients in the raw through a juicer and composting the waste for next grow? For example I looked at raw beets and their profile and was quite impressed.
Principle Nutrient value Percentage of RDA
Energy 43 cal 2%
Carbohydrates 9.56 g 7%
Protein 1.61 g 1%
Total Fat 0.17 g 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.80 g 7%
Folates 109 µg 27%
Niacin 0.334 mg 2%
Pantothenic acid 0.155 mg 3%
Pyridoxine 0.067 mg 5%
Riboflavin 0.057 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.031 mg 2.5%
Vitamin A 33 IU 1%
Vitamin C 4.9 mg 8%
Vitamin E 0.04 mg 0.5%
Vitamin K 0.2 µg 0%
Sodium 78 mg 5%
Potassium 325 mg 7%
Calcium 16 mg 1.5%
Copper 0.075 mg 8%
Iron 0.80 mg 10%
Magnesium 23 mg 6%
Manganese 0.329 mg 14%
Zinc 0.35 mg 3%
Carotene-ß 20 µg --
Betaine 128.7 mg --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg --

So if anyone has used something like this, or knows about this, feel free to educate me. Thanks again guys and gals.
Im going to do a side by side with two GDP no juice and 2 GDP with various fruit and vegetable juices throughout the grow once a week.
Keep the fruit juice for you...
But you can make a cheap nutrient for flo with fruits and sugar sirup.
Take 3 different fruits(no orange,lemon,pomelo,all family...!)it is free,after a market you pick the old ones.1/3 pound bananas,1/3pound apple,1/3pound pineapple for example,cut it in small piece as it is(no spelling, not like in a 90's TV series...) add the same amount of molasses and let it cook for 10,15 days(cause it is hot now)open sometimes to check the bubbles...when there is very few bubbles you can melt it and filtered it(normally there is no ''big pieces'' but if there is put it in your soil or compost.
1 Liter for 25 Liter water.Spray on the leaves for a wonder full flowering!!!
Have a great day™