veg time in solo cups??

I run a pre veg cycle that takes place in solo cups or 4" pots. They are well rooted when I transfer them from our aerocloner into the cups. I feed 1/4 strength veg nutes the first week and 1/2 strength the 2nd week. They are under 8 bulbs T5's and remain this way until I transfer them at week 3 into their final container, usually a 5-7 gallon root friendly container for indoor. So yeah my clones get a pre veg in cups for two weeks, any longer and it's just spinning your wheels...



Well-Known Member
Two weeks tops for me typically, my total veg time is 4 weeks to get 24" plants before going into flower for the strain I run.


Well-Known Member
Easy to tell, you should have drainage holes punched into the bottom of the cups. When you see roots in those holes it's time to transplant


Active Member
I run a pre veg cycle that takes place in solo cups or 4" pots. They are well rooted when I transfer them from our aerocloner into the cups. I feed 1/4 strength veg nutes the first week and 1/2 strength the 2nd week. They are under 8 bulbs T5's and remain this way until I transfer them at week 3 into their final container, usually a 5-7 gallon root friendly container for indoor. So yeah my clones get a pre veg in cups for two weeks, any longer and it's just spinning your wheels...

You rock, WCC; thanks again for another great piece of advice.