veg room setup


Active Member
I need help setting up the veg area. Flowering area is already set up. My reservoir and NFT system is in the flowering room. For my VEG room i have a cool white flu tube. I have germinated seeds and i have them in rapid rooters. I have 6 germinated seeds in 6 different rapid rooters. I was going to put them in a rectangular tray and feed them Maxi Grow + Bcuzz Growth. Will this set up work? I will change the water once a week and check pH regularly. I am confused about the water not being in motion. Will the plants still get all the nutes? when they are ready to flower i will move them over. i am trying to have year around process so i can harvest every 6 weeks. my veg set up is in a cabinet. i have a exhaust on the top. please let me know


Active Member
so i should just use the tube lighting and than nute them for 4 weeks and transfer them to flowering? during veg, can i just leave the rapid rooters in a tray of nutrient water?