Veg Q


Active Member
wow!!thats probably what wrong!!I recomend putin ur plants 2- 4 inches away from the light bulb!A good rule of thumb for this technique is to stick ur hand in the same spot where u plan on ur plants being.(2-4 inches).If it doesn't burn ur hand then it wont burn ur plant!If ur plants are too small to get that close to ur light than stak CD cases or DVD cases until u get to that height.Try this and i bet ur "little fans" leaves will be reachin up and lookin perky in 1 -2 days!


Well-Known Member
Distance of the light usually depends on heat, HPS get hot!!! Keep an eye on temps and put your hand over the top of plant if your hand gets hot move light farther away until your hand doesnt get hot. You dont need a watering schedule sometimes your plant will use more water than others. I water when my pots get light, using light pots to start with helps this technique. Moisture meters is another way to go and are cheap and sold almost everywhere. Also Ph is very important keep the Ph at 6.5 - 6.8 hope this helps you out.