Various questions about 70w HPS in enclosed growspace


So, my plant is about ready to start flowering here, and turns out the seeds definately weren't a Sativa strain - its a stocky, bushy little whore. So, this presents a problem with my previous plan of CFLs as I've heard everywhere CFL light doesn't penetrate much.

To solve this problem, I'm considering using a 70w HPS up top and CFLs around the plant (ugh, I'm up to ~300 bucks after all this, just for 1 plant at a time!). MY questions are:

-My 'grow room' is a 32 gallon plastic trash can painted white. It'll have holes cut in the bottom to pull cool air and a fan up top to pull and filter out the stanky hot air.

1) Will it get too hot inside of the trash can? I'm not sure how much heat 70w HPS puts out compared to the 12 24w CFLs I was going to use.

2) Will anything bad happen from the fact that the trash can stinks like spray paint with this hot light in there? It isn't going to fuck up the taste and smell of the buds, is it?

3) I heard the lower HPS weren't really that effecient - being that 70w is so low, is it even worthwhile to invest in it, or should I just stick with my CFLs and hope for the best?


Well-Known Member
yes the heat will build up in there regardless of wattage. I dont think the 70w is worth the money but u shuld get away w the cfls if u LST the lil beotch. The spray paint thing culd b a prob but i duno as most ppl use reg white paint or mylar or panda film
It seems u made the same mistake i made and tried to cut corners...dont! u WILL spend more in the end. go ahead and finish this grow but while u wait put some real thought into building your own cab or tent and think about the future bcuz this hobby is addicting and the size of ur grows will grow.

Years ago i bought a 150w hps that got left in cali. when i started again i used cfls..only to go to hd and buy the same 70w u i have all that plus 3 400w and a 1k.. see what im saying? Oh and do alot more reading on here and mayb buy jorge cervantes grow bible...its the sh it....then start a new grow. Im still pretty novice around here but if u need some advice hit me up ill try to help


:bigjoint:Grow and use those 12 cfl's. Today I got this no ballast (hood and grow light with 3 prong electric plug) from Hydro Farm this is.. INCREDIBLE.

Serious results in my babies. I can take a photo. It runs like nothing else there is. It produces a daylight spectrum and it is affording a good 60 lumens per watt. On that, I am getting enough lumens from 4 100w cfl 23's sure packs a closet with cool blue skunky auto flowering dankiddy. :eyesmoke: I'm still far from flower tho, dude, you have the cash you should buy one of these. Or HPS 250 is better if you like, but I'm too happy already without going into a ballast.