

Well-Known Member
What's the best vaporizor out there that's less than $300?
what exactly are you vaping? oils, flower, bho, etc?

if you're looking for the e-cig oil type stuff; there's lot's of choices well below 100 bucks. i don't have any personal experience with flowers, bho and wax however.

have you checked out things like atmos ole, the o'pen vap and knock offs? then there's the bigger tank guys, double wicks, variable voltage/watts, but more expensive.

nice thing about the e-cig type of stuff is you can go anywhere that allows e-cigs and vap.

the best one for e-vap --- one that doesn't leak, gives good flavor and nice hits. as far as i can tell they all leak to some extent ... some less than others.

good luck

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Check ebay for a used volcano if vaping flowers. If you're not use to vaping you may be dissapointed after a couple weeks. Not the same as taking a hit of smoke. Keeps you wanting more IME. haven't kept track or researched on anything since I bought my volcano like 3 years ago. I haven't used it in about a year...


Well-Known Member
Hey Man,

Is this a top coil or bottom?
Ever had any leak issues?
Do you make your own juice?


No I buy the juice from there store because im actually in Jacksonville and its like a 15 min drive

And you have to buy your own cleromizer

I suggest the smok GBC

Because if the wick or coil goes out you can replace it for like 5 bucks lol


Well-Known Member
Im a expert on e cig vapes
Have youy ever tried making your own bho infused pg? Is there a difference in the amount of smoke and intensity of taste with a more expensive cartomizer?


Well-Known Member
I like the magic flight launch box for a portable. It's probably not the best on the market but it's well made, simple and has a lifetime guarantee.
I just bought 20 copys made by Zoly which actually work pretty well. With better batteries they should perform as well as the genuine article. Will never be as pretty, but at half the price they're worth it.
I will be getting a genuine one for personal use eventually.